Wang Yan
At 16, Wang Yan has already won Olympic bronze in the team all-around event and ranked sixth in the individual all-around in which she scored 14.633 at the vault.
In the qualifying rounds, Wang scored 14.949 at the vault with a penalty of 0.100 on her second vault that led her to miss out on an above 15 qualifying score.
More in the news for her small frame that pushes viewers to disbelief over her age, Wang has the advantage of it when it comes to lighter sticks. She tends to stick to vaults with difficulty ratings within 6.3, and her execution score is yet to reach the late 9s.
In a sport where minor wobbles, unsteadiness, a shoulder-length step upon landing and even mild ‘hesitation’ before performing a vault can cost points, there can be no doubt that Karmakar has a steep task ahead of her. If she wins a medal, it will be the end of a long journey for Dipa. If she does not, she will still remain one of the greatest gymnasts on the vault.