What is the darkest psychology? While a segment of psychology is associated with growth and development, a part of it also concerns tricks and techniques to help you get your way. A lot of these become survival skills while growing up in an unhealthy environment.
You would be surprised to know that most of these are much more common than you can imagine. The word "trick" is often used negatively, but in many situations, we do end up using dark psychology tricks that can get us out of a fix.
10 Dark Psychology Tricks That Will Work for You
Dark manipulation tricks involve a pinch of persuasion to get your job done. Here are ten tricks that work in real life:
1) Thankfulness

Do you know someone who is constantly thanking you for the very basic things that you may do for them? They may thank you for coming in for work, or for giving them a pen.
You become so used to their attitude of gratitude, that when they don't do it, you go out for your way to be thanked. This also works if the roles are reversed.
2) Silence

As a psychology trick, being silent can do wonders for you. A lot of times, professionals are advised to use this method, as a way for the client to open up and reveal information.
Silence can be uncomfortable for the other person, making them speak and fill in the gaps as much as they can.
3) Give unreasonable examples

Sometimes people don't want to reveal the specifics. However, by giving them an unreasonable example, you can get them to give you at least some answer.
This especially works while making a purchase. If you quote an exaggerated price, they are likely to give the real amount.
4) Be the good student

A "good" student is more likely to be trusted than a "bad" or naughty one. Even if the good student makes an excuse, fails at something or lies about anything, they are likely to be trusted more.
5) Priming

Most ad agencies likely thrive on this trick. The more you present information to the subject or the viewer, they are likely to believe that information. We believe that airplanes crash more, because we view it more on the web or TV.
6) Non-reactivity

Have you ever experienced being bullied at the workplace? Ever tried staying silent? This may actually work.
A lot of times, their behavior gets reinforced due to the reaction they see in us. Dark psychology and manipulation may take you out of such a situation.
7) Mirroring

Our brain has certain mirror neurons that can work in our favor. Police personnel sometimes use this with their suspects. The interrogator may mirror the tone, body language, and voice, making the suspect uncomfortable.
8) Sunk cost effect

This is perhaps the most common fallacy we fall prey to. If we have invested time, money, and effort into an endeavor, we continue to so, even when there are no returns.
9) Start small

This is often known as foot-in-the-door psychology trick. You start with something small for the other person to comply with. You continue doing this till you ask for something that you wanted in the first place.
10) Act interested

When you invest time in others, they invest it back in you. You can start small by acting interested. Greet them, ask how their day was, or anything that works for you. While we may deny this, everyone loves attention and validation.
Think about your behavior--which tricks do you think you have used yourself? To be clear, you won't become a mastermind by using this tricks. Dark psychology is not the same as signs of manipulation, and it doesn't encourage absolute control. It appreciates that there is persusasion, but it stays away from manipulation.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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