#7 Concentration Curls
1. Sit down on a flat bench with legs spread and knees bent. Pick up the dumbbell with right arm positioning the back of upper arm on the top of inner thigh. Palm should be facing forward away from the thigh.
2. While breathing out, curl the right dumbbell & lift arm until dumbbell is at shoulder level. Squeeze the biceps at the top.
3. While breathing in, slowly bring the dumbbell back to initial position. Repeat as recommended. Switch arms and repeat.
Important Tips: Keep control of weight, don’t drop it quickly.
Variation: This exercise can also be done with torso bent forward.
#8 Chin Up
1. Grab pull-up bar using closer than shoulder width grip with palms facing inward. Holding the bar with arms extended, bring back torso around 30 degrees and stick out chest.
2. While breathing out, pull upper body till the head is at the level of the pull-up bar. The pulling is to be executed primarily with biceps.
3. Hold for a second and return to the original position. Repeat.
Important Tips: Forearms should be used only for holding the bar & no other work.
Variations: Hand placement: Supinated (palms facing inward). Pronated (palm facing outward). Mixed (one palm facing outward & one palm facing Inward)