9. Pesto, Egg, and Tomato
Cut the cone from the tomato and scoop out all the seeds and pulp. Crack an egg and fill the tomato with it. Add some pesto, salt, and pepper and bake in an oven for 15-20 minutes. Have it then or carry it in a box. This is a super healthy alternative to junk and comes loaded with protein.

10. Lentil Munchies
After you have cooked ½ cup of lentils in water, add ½ tablespoon of oil, ½ teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of chili flakes, oregano and some salt and pepper to it. Spread it on a baking tray and bake it for 15 minutes. Make sure that they do not burn. Store them in airtight boxes and enjoy.
There are many food items that are packed with protein and you must incorporate them into your diet religiously. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nut butter, tuna, jerky, lentils, seeds (pumpkin, flax etc.), eggs, chickpeas, all have high protein content. Some of these might also aid you in losing weight, as they will help you cut down on carbs and boost your metabolism.