All those who are interested in a healthy lifestyle know that diet forms an integral part of one’s routine. Even for those who are trying to lose weight, diet has 70% importance whereas exercise only has 30% in the total regime.
So are there some full proof diet tips that can enable you to be healthier and more energetic than ever? Absolutely yes!
One point should be made clear here. It is not possible for all diet tips to work for all people at all times. However, there are some healthy eating tips that work for all people at all times.
So let us dive into some proven healthy eating tips that will help you live your best life!
Tip #1

Keep a stock of food items that are healthy. Oats, whole wheat bread, granola bars, brown rice, fat-free yoghurt, salad leaves, hummus etc. are some examples of what we are talking about.
Hunger strikes randomly, and what happens when you do not have these in your kitchen? You cook yourself some ramen or pasta. Is that healthy? I say not! So keep a stocked fridge to keep yourself away from nasty cravings and cheats.
Also, read Healthy Eating - 8 Super Effective Ways To Develop & Stick To Healthy Eating Habits.
Tip #2

Do not eliminate fats completely. It has been proven that not all fats are bad for health. Fried food, desserts, junk etc. are not what we are referring to here.
Some saturated fats are required by your body to carry out its normal functions. Eliminating all of it will do more harm than good. Eggs, nuts and olive oil must be included in your diet.
Tip #3

See what you eat, how much you eat and how fast you eat. While the portion size is important and the kind of food you are eating is essential, how fast you gobble your food down must be checked too.
It takes some time for your body to realize that you are putting food in it, so the feeling of being full sets in later. Eating slowly helps control the calories intake and helps you lose weight effectively.
Tip #4

Make your breakfast a fiber rich one. Add fresh fruits, nuts and whole grain breads to your first meal of the day. Granola bars are great for this as well.
Tip #5

Drink as much water as possible. No, we are not saying this just because it flushes out harmful toxins out of your body and keeps your fresh.
Imagine a scenario where you have just had lunch and you are happy and proud with your diet. Suddenly, you see your friend having a chocolate shake or a slice of cake and you start wishing for one too. Surprisingly you start feeling hungry.
The best alternative is to have a glass of water. Let the feeling pass! It surely will. You will thank us for this later!
Tip #6

Eat in a group. Trust us when we say this, when you are eating alone, maybe in front of your laptop, trying to make an account statement, or binge watching a Netflix show, you tend to eat more as compared to when you are around people, talking and listening your way through it.
Tip #7

We know you want to make changes to your diet and we are proud of you. But do not make all these changes at once. Take one step at a time. Go for gradualism, as that will prevent you from getting irritated and giving up the diet all together.
So make small, yet measurable changes, and ease yourself into the bigger picture. Also, be practical when you are making these changes. Be rational and think of the possibilities. Do not start with something that is not sustainable.
Tip #8

Keep herbs and spices by your side. There will be cases when the food you eat, as a part of your diet, tastes like practically nothing! Keep herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, lemon grass etc. ready to add flavor to your otherwise boring dish.
Tip #9

Do not forget to include some fermented food in your diet. These fermented items are a great source of protective substances that helps in safeguarding the immune system. Have yogurt, miso and fermented vegetables regularly.
Tip #10

Carry a whole fruit or a packet of nuts with you when you are going for work. That way, when you feel hungry, you have something very nutritious, close to you.
Not just that, you can carry a banana, an orange, some dry fruits or some baked crackers on the go. These are healthy alternatives to things that you would otherwise have.
However, it is not just diet that can help you get a healthy lifestyle. Introducing an exercise session in your daily routine is recommended as well. If you do not wish to hit the gym, going for a 30 minutes walk in the morning works wonders too.
Try and implement these tips and you will see a better version of you in no time!