Every now and then, questions are posted on Reddit to seek answers. It seems that mental health is a very popular category. A lot of individuals find solace in writing on Reddit since it's safe and anonymous. This time we explore the 10 worst jobs that can harm mental health. Your occupational well-being has a lot to do with your holistic well-being.
As a disclaimer, you should know that each job can be challenging in its own capacity. However, some jobs are directly linked to mental health concerns. What you may see as worst may not be seen so by others.

Worst jobs for mental health: Are you in any of these?

These 10 worst jobs have not been organised in any order. It is also possible, that you may not see it as the worst, and that is okay. It really depends on how you define the phrase 'worst'. However, individuals upvoted certain jobs that are noted below.
1.Child Protective Services (CPS)

CPS is responsible for child protection across the US. Individuals respond to reports of child abuse, trauma, or neglect. Naturally, it is one of the toughest jobs to hold. Workers, time and again are exposed to trauma. Unfortunately, it is also one of the jobs with highest workload.
2. Medical professions

Day in and day out, doctors see the delicate balance between life and death. This goes for emergency doctors, who may be undergoing a significant mental toll. Saving lives is not easy.
3. Trauma therapy

While all forms of therapy can be challenging and impact the professional's health, trauma therapy can be particularly challenging. From childhood trauma to intergenerational trauma, it can be emotionally intensive.
4. Rehabilitation officers

Rehab work can be exhausting. It takes a lot of time, patience and authentic support to help individuals go back to their typical lives. It is almost like helping them re-enter society.
5. Veterinarian

Vets are perhaps one of the groups at risk of suicide and suicidal ideations. While you may think it's about cute puppies and cats, there is much pain involved in this profession. The life span and treatment of animals can make the process very complex.
6. Military

Trauma was recognized initially after soldiers returned from war and were not the same as before. Wars and the military often change individuals, almost dehumanizing them. They are at the most risk of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
7. First responders

As the name suggests, first responders are the primary support for any kind of emergency. While they are thoroughly trained to face these situations, it can be draining to be prepared and reach on spot each and every time.
8. Healthcare assistant

You may wonder why being an assistant may impact one's mental health. Indirect exposures to traumatic events or emergencies can be as difficult to deal with as direct exposures. Assistants often have to undergo heavy workloads and long shifts to make it through.
9. Construction workers

How can we miss the physical and mental health of construction workers? They often engage in the most labor-intensive and heavy-duty work, draining them each and every day. The psychological returns to this profession are very low, making each person vulnerable to burnout syndrome.
10. Correctional officer

Correctional officers have to meet with individuals with a potentially violent history, making them constantly vigilant about their environments. This can always keep their alarm system on alert, significantly impacting their emotional health.
While these may be listed as the worst jobs for your mental health, they all are noble in their own merit. Most of these are dedicated to saving lives every day. It seems that employees in the worst professions may be saving the most lives.
Your mental health is always going to be in your hands. If any of these are taking a toll on your mental health, it might be time to reconsider your position.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.