Bodysurfers and handboarders have athletic figures. You need strong arms, strong legs and a very strong and stable core in order to excel at either of these sports. In addition to that, honing a strong cardiovascular system and a high level of fitness is key.
The best surfers are strong and flexible. You need to be strong to ride the tides but you also need to be flexible to do so. Flexibility is key, from a damage-control perspective. According to research, the more flexible the individual, the lesser the probability of getting injured during wipeouts.
Bodysurfing and handboarding are two water-sports whose popularity has grown steadily over the years. Millennials are running to the sport like moths attracted to a flame. The biggest reason for the surge in popularity of these two sports is that they successfully satisfy the youths cravings for adrenaline.
To get into either of these sports, leisurely or professionally, you have to be fit. Working out or going to the gym alone doesn’t guarantee fitness. One's diet plays a major role in attaining one's fitness goals. Thus, with that being said, hobbyists or professionals interested in either of these two sports must maintain a relatively strict diet.
Bodysurfers & Handboarders Diet

People who go to the gym must know a thing or two about the importance of one’s diet to their personal gains. Bodysurfers and handboarders have to follow a very simple diet. The objective of following a diet is to just stay healthy and fit.
All the food that you eat should contribute to the energy levels of your body. Avoid eating food that takes a long time to digest. Keeping that in mind, avoid eating processed food. That means no breakfast cereals, no bread, limited meat products, no quick-cook microwave stuff. Yes, that means dedication.
To keep it short and sweet - your diet must primarily consist of energy-rich foods that get processed quickly by the body’s digestive system.
Vegetarians and non-vegetarians cannot follow the same diet. Hence, for the purpose of convenience, we have divided energy-rich foods into two categories: vegetarian foods and non-vegetarian food.
A non-vegetarian has the added benefit of compiling a more wholesome energy-rich diet. Let's look at both options individually.
#1 Energy-Rich Vegetarian Food

1. Quinoa: Rich in amino acids and protein, it’s the perfect energy-boosting food for vegetarians that are ideal to take during mid-day meals. Interesting fact: Out of all the food grains in the world, quinoa contains the most amount of protein.
2. Lentils: Energy-rich and economical, their high-fiber content help to neutralize blood sugar levels thereby keeping the body energized for long periods of time.
3. Beans: Like lentils, beans too help steady the blood sugar levels. Being rich in carbohydrates, they have an energizing effect on one’s body and brains.
4. Yogurt: Tasty and nutritious, yogurt is a great energy source on account of its high-quality protein. The best part about yogurt is that it fills you up and feels like a mini-meal.
5. Oranges: Rich in Vitamin C, oranges have a very uplifting effect on one’s energy levels within 2 hours of consumption. In fact, it’s not just oranges. All fruits rich in Vitamin C have a similar effect. That’s precisely why you see most energy drinks orange and lemon flavored.
6. Almonds: All nuts are energy-rich foods but none more so than almonds. Almonds are rich in many nutrients, especially magnesium and Vitamin B, both of which help convert food into energy quickly.
#2 Energy-Rich Non-Vegetarian Food

1. Tuna Fish: Rich in protein and Vitamin B, it’s one of the most nutrient-rich fish in the world. People who are trying to lose weight can also include it in their diet.
2. Eggs: Highly rich in protein and a number of useful fatty acids, for non-vegetarians it’s the perfect breakfast meal. It helps keep one energized throughout the day and prevents one from overeating.
3. Salmon: Rich in protein, Omega 3-s fatty acids, and fats, salmon is a highly nutritious food that has many health benefits. It’s perfect for those people who want to lose weight. While being an energy-rich food source, it’s extremely healthy for one’s brain and cardiovascular system too.