#1 Energy-Rich Vegetarian Food

1. Quinoa: Rich in amino acids and protein, it’s the perfect energy-boosting food for vegetarians that are ideal to take during mid-day meals. Interesting fact: Out of all the food grains in the world, quinoa contains the most amount of protein.
2. Lentils: Energy-rich and economical, their high-fiber content help to neutralize blood sugar levels thereby keeping the body energized for long periods of time.
3. Beans: Like lentils, beans too help steady the blood sugar levels. Being rich in carbohydrates, they have an energizing effect on one’s body and brains.
4. Yogurt: Tasty and nutritious, yogurt is a great energy source on account of its high-quality protein. The best part about yogurt is that it fills you up and feels like a mini-meal.
5. Oranges: Rich in Vitamin C, oranges have a very uplifting effect on one’s energy levels within 2 hours of consumption. In fact, it’s not just oranges. All fruits rich in Vitamin C have a similar effect. That’s precisely why you see most energy drinks orange and lemon flavored.
6. Almonds: All nuts are energy-rich foods but none more so than almonds. Almonds are rich in many nutrients, especially magnesium and Vitamin B, both of which help convert food into energy quickly.