#2 Kapalbhati Pranayama
This is one of the best exercises towards working at getting a flat stomach and this is mainly for two reasons. The first is that it is so effective and really strengthens your stomach muscles and secondly, it can literally be done anywhere. When you are sitting on your desk in the office, on a bus, in a classroom, literally anywhere.
You should generally be sitting while doing this exercise. You take your stomach in and deliberately breathe in with force and as you take your stomach out you exhale out, forcefully. Do close to 500 kapalbhati pranayams and keep increasing it as you get more and more comfortable.
This exercise not only strengthens your stomach muscles but it also improves your metabolic rate. Other benefits include an increase in concentration levels, getting rid of acidity, improvement in digestive system etc. Thus, this exercise is multi-beneficiary and while strengthening and toning your core, it also takes care of your physical and mental well- being.