#4 Deadlift
The deadlift is a great compound exercise for the back. This works on building more muscles than any other exercise. Doing increased repetitions of deadlift will also increase your cardiovascular ability.
Also, read 6 Explosive Lats Workout For A Bigger And Stronger Back.
Step 1: Get to the bar with hip width stance and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.
Step 2: Now bend at your waist and hold the bar with your palms facing downwards. Your hands should be placed slightly wider than your shins.
Step 3: With your back locked up firmly start to pull the bar up. Straighten your legs as you come up. Extend your knees and hips simultaneously. Keep your body straight and chest out.
Step 4: Now start lowering your back the same way it came up. Neutral Spine is an important factor to keep in mind.
Important Tips: Do 2 sets of 7-12 reps each. All exercises can hurt your back if done in the wrong way so proper form with focus and attention is a must. Start light, use proper form and then slowly move on to add more weight.
Next up: Alternate Dumbbell Row