Exercise #3
Barbell Push Press
The push press variant joins a substantial overhead activity for a viable mass-increase centred shoulder exercise. This powerhouse practice focuses on the front and centre deltoids.
Step 1: Set your feet shoulder-width separated and hold a barbell at the height of the shoulder with an overhead grasp, palms up and the elbows pointing forward.
Step 2: Now you need to bend your knees somewhat and bring down your hips in a semi-squat position.
Step 3: Now push up with your legs in order to extend your arms and lift the bar over your head for a full elbow extension. Hold in that position for a moment and afterwards bring down the bar back to the beginning position.
Important Tip: Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps each. At the highest point of the press ensure that your elbows are bolted out and drive hips upward to play out the lift explosively.