Pilates can help you build a strong core. As your core muscles act as stabilisers, you can perform various daily activities comfortably and with little discomfort in your joints.
Your stability, balance and posture are important to perform daily tasks like bending over to pick up things, twisting to lift something heavy or participating in sports that require core strength.
Working out with Pilates is one way to begin building a strong core. The fact that Pilates is suitable for people of all fitness levels is one of its best features.
Pilates can make some people think of an expensive facility or upscale equipment, but all you really need to do it is a mat. Along with strengthening your core, it also benefits other parts of your body. Pilates is a full-body workout.
Strengthen your Core with Pilates Exercises
A strong core helps you do various activities without experiencing discomfort, stiffness and any restriction.
Here're five simple at-home Pilates exercises for beginners that can be performed anywhere, as they only require your bodyweight.
1) Toe Tap
Even though this exercise appears simple, with proper form, you should start to feel your obliques and abs burning after just a few repetitions.
Here’s how to do it:
- Lay on your back, with your legs crossed like a tabletop and your knees at a 90-degree angle.
- Draw your belly button into your spine while maintaining a neutral spine and a long neck. Slowly start to flex one leg such that your toe touches the ground with control.
- Gently tap, and raise your foot to the top of the table; do the same with your other foot.
- Breathe in as you squat and out as you raise your leg.
- Attempt 20 repetitions.
2) Swimmers Exercise
You should do this exercise to strengthen your core, lower back and glutes. Just keep in mind to keep your face facing the mat so that you don't strain or crane your neck while trying to gaze up.
Here’s how to do it:
- Lay on your belly, with your arms raised in the air and legs parallel to each other.
- Maintain a straight back and lowered shoulders; keep your shoulders away from your ears.
- Squeeze at the top, and gradually lower one arm and an opposing leg off the floor.
- Switch to the other arm and leg.
3) The Hundred
A traditional Pilates practice, the Hundred involves beating your arms 100 times while keeping your legs extended and lifting your head and shoulders off the mat.
Here’s how to do it:
- Lay face up.
- Raise your legs halfway towards the ceiling, and lowe them at an angle.
- Raise your head while extending your legs; keep your palms down and arms alongside your body.
- As you breathe in for five counts and out for as many, pump your arms up and down.
- Holding the position, repeat this breathing rhythm ten times.
4) Mountain Climber
Get your heart rate up; strengthen your cardiovascular system, and work your abs to the very limit, with mountain climber.
Here’s how to do it:
- Start in a high plank position, with your head aligned with your spine and back straight.
- With your arms completely extended and fingers pointed forward and slightly apart, keep your hands directly beneath your shoulders.
- Bring each knee to your chest one at a time, and be careful not to rock your torso or hips.
5) Rolling Like a Ball
This amusing motion is a quick and easy way to work your stomach while also massaging your back muscles. The rounded curvature of your spine makes this exercise perfect for beginners. That's because it teaches you how to use your core muscles correctly and effectively while forcing them to work hard.
Here’s how to do it:
- Sit down with your knees bent, feet pointing out and toes contacting the ground.
- Lift your legs up by grabbing the back of each thigh with both hands.
- Drop your head between your knees while maintaining shoulder-distance between your knees.
- Take two breaths in and out while contracting your abs and working on your balance.
- Rock back to the tips of your shoulders (never onto your head or neck), and stand up while briefly regaining equilibrium. Repeat at least five times.