#4 Ab Wheel Rollout
The ab wheel rollout targets the entire abdomen region with enhanced precisions and improved accuracy, allowing for an increased calorie burn. This makes it one of the best home workouts to burn the excess fat around the waistline.
Step 1: Secure the ab wheel with both the hands and place it on the floor in front of the body. Position it such that it allows for a good range of motion while performing the exercise. Rest your body on the knees in the initial position.
Step 2: Gradually roll the ab wheel forward until the body is almost parallel to the floor. Continue the motion until the chest is just inches above the floor. However, keep in mind to not let the upper body make contact with the floor.
Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the initial position.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
Important tip: People with lower back problems must exercise caution while performing this exercise.
Next up: Russian Twist