Vertigo is something that millions of people deal with on a daily basis. The sensation is described as a sense of motion or motion sickness, which can be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and imbalance.
An episode of vertigo can last a few seconds to several days at a time (not the most desirable situation when you're trying to go about your day).
By definition, vertigo is a spinning sensation that is caused by a disturbance in the vestibular system. This disruption can be temporary or permanent, but there are exercises that can help you ease its symptoms and can help you avoid it altogether.
Most Common Vertigo Triggers
Ear issues, migraine attacks and certain medications can trigger vertigo attacks. You'll notice that specific movements generate the sensations you experience.
Any movement that causes a shift in the calcium carbonate crystals (which help you keep your equilibrium) in the utricle (an inner ear organ) can produce a vertigo attack in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which is one of the most prevalent types of this disorder.
That is because crystals respond to gravity, and if they are thrown off-balance, they can put you off-balance as well.
For example, rolling over in bed can cause the spinning feeling, especially if you roll onto the side where the ear is causing vertigo. Moreover, positions such as tilting your head backward and bending your head forward can cause vertigo too.
A blow to the head or damage to the inner ear are common triggers of a vertigo attack. Anything that can cause a shifting of the calcium carbonate crystals—such as remaining on your back for an extended period of time—can result in vertigo feelings.
5 Best Exercises to Ease Vertigo
Before you attempt any vertigo exercises, you should schedule an appointment with a competent hearing care specialist for a full evaluation and diagnosis.
These types of exercises can sometimes produce momentary dizziness. If you don't have anybody to exercise with, make sure you have a chair in front of you and a wall behind you to support you if you lose your balance.
1) Brandt-Daroff exercises
Follow these steps to complete one set of five repetitions on each side:
- Lie down in the middle of your bed, with your feet on the floor.
- Make a 45-degree turn to the right with your head.
- Lay down on your left side, keeping your head steady. Wait 30 seconds before continuing.
- Get back to where you started. Wait 30 seconds before continuing.
- Make a 45-degree turn to the left with your head.
- On your right side, repeat these steps.
- Get back to where you started. Wait 30 seconds before continuing.
2) Semont manoeuvre
If you visit your doctor to discuss vertigo symptoms and find out which ear is affected, try the following exercise:
- If you have BPPV in your left ear, sit upright on the edge of your bed, and turn your head 45 degrees to the right.
- Drop to your left quickly till your head is resting on the bed.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds. Move your body to the right side in one swift motion. Maintain the same angle with your head.
- Hold it for 30 seconds.
- For BPPV in your right ear, move your head to the right, and drop on your left side first.
3) Epley manouevre
This is another exercise for vertigo. If you have BPPV in your left ear, follow these steps:
- Sit on the bed, with a pillow behind supporting your back.
- Bend forward, and turn 45 degrees to the left with your head.
- Lie back so your shoulders are on the pillow.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before sitting up again slowly.
- Bend forward, and turn your head 90 degrees to the right.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before sitting up slowly. Bend forward, and turn another 90 degrees to the right. Hold that position for 30 seconds.
4) Foster manoeuvre
If you have BPPV in your left ear, follow these steps. The same applies if you have BPPV on your right side.
- Kneel down; fold your legs, and place both hands on the ground.
- Lean your head backwards, and keep it lifted for a few seconds.
- If you're dizzy, just wait it out.
- Put your forehead on the floor, and tuck your chin towards your knees. Turn head 45 degrees, so you face your left elbow.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Keeping your head in a 45-degree position, lift your head till it becomes level with your back and shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Lift your head to a fully upright position.
5) Walking exercises
When you feel dizzy, take extra care, and have someone supervise you while you do these exercises.
- Stand with your feet together.
- Step forward five paces, and turn around.
- Wait till any dizziness you feel stops before repeating this exercise five times.
- Walk forward five stepsm and stop quickly.
- Wait ten secondsm or till any dizziness stops.Repeat the exercise till you've walked roughly 50 feet.
- Do this exercise twice a day.
Bottom Line
Vertigo sufferers are likely to experience relief after such attacks. The right exercises can help them significantly, along with other lifestyle changes, including resting, obtaining proper medical care and watching what you eat.