5 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat and Delay Aging

Strength training increases your metabolism, helping you lose fat and ensuring your body stays young. (Image via Unsplash/ Julia Ballew)
Strength training increases your metabolism, helping you lose fat and ensuring your body stays young. (Image via Unsplash/ Julia Ballew)

The best way to lose belly fat and delay aging is by doing workouts and following a balanced diet. Exercise can boost mood, strengthen bones, and lower the risk of developing chronic diseases, apart from aiding in weight loss.

The most typical fitness objective many people have is to shed weight, especially stubborn belly fat. It's upsetting to see extra weight accumulated in this region. This fat also leads to a range of chronic health conditions. That includes polycystic ovarian syndrome, fatty liver disease, heart disease, sleep apnea, cancers, joint discomfort, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

As you get older, a lot of things change, including your body's ability to retain muscle mass and risk of developing health conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and back discomfort. Regular physical activity can help strengthen your bones and ease joint and muscular pain.

We've come up with some great exercises that can help you lose belly fat and delay aging.

Lose Belly Fat and Delay Aging with Exercise

Strength training increases your metabolism, helps you lose fat, and keeps your body looking young. On that note, here's a look at five workouts that can help you reduce belly fat and delay aging:

1) Jump Rope

A Jump Rope activity can give you a full body workout and boost your metabolism, apart from losing belly fat, and delaying aging.



  • Stand straight-backed on a flat surface.
  • Ensure that your feet are close together and facing straight ahead.
  • Keep your hands straight and close to your thighs, and face downward. .
  • Leap off the ground, allowing the rope to travel through your feet before bringing it back.
  • Increase your leaping speed steadily by repeating the above steps.

2) Mountain Climber

This is one of the most challenging plank variations. The mountain climber is a total body exercise.



  • Take a push-up or a standard plank position.
  • Bend your right knee, and bring it up to your chest.
  • Return your right knee to its original position by pushing it. Flex your left knee such that it's close to your chest.
  • Bring your left knee back to its starting position.
  • Repeat 20–25 times.

3) Reverse Plank

This is a conventional plank variant that's carried out backward. Your body can benefit greatly by doing this exercise regularly.



  • Place your legs out in front of you as you sit down.
  • To support your upper body, position your hands behind your hips.
  • Elevate your hips while keeping your hands straight and aligning your body in a straight line.
  • For 40 to 60 seconds, maintain this posture.
  • Repeat this pose for 20-30 times.

4) Lunge

Lunges help lose belly fat and delay aging. So incorporating lunges into a high-intensity training routine with the aid of heavy weights is important.



  • Stand straight, with back straight and abs up.
  • Keeping your right leg in front, and flex your knee.
  • Flex your knee so that your right thigh is perpendicular to the ground and left is parallel.
  • Maintain the front knee above the heel.
  • Put your feet together, and return to the starting position. Follow the same procedure with your left leg.
  • Alternate legs for 30 reps.

5) Squat

Workouts like squats are regarded as muscle-building exercises. Squats aid in calorie burning and prevent your lower body fat from getting accumulated.



  • Stand upright with your toes pointed forward and feet broader than hip distance.
  • Move your hips back by bending your knees and ankles.
  • Maintain your heels and toes on the ground as you crouch down.
  • Maintain a 90-degree bend on your knees, and strike a parallel position with the ground.
  • Return to a standing position by pressing your heels together to straighten your legs.


It's crucial to remember that weight loss is not a linear process, and it's typical to see greater weight reduction when you first start. Numerous exercises can support your efforts to lose weight.

The most crucial thing is to pick up an activity you enjoy. That increases the likelihood that you'll continue with it in the long run and reap the results.

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