Glute and hamstring exercises are crucial for your leg day routine. Some of your largest muscles, such as your glutes, hamstrings, and quads are located in the lower part of your body. Your overall physical health, performance, and balance will all benefit from strengthening these powerful lower body muscles.
All of your daily motions become easier when those muscles are strong, and not just during workouts. While many women may place a lot of emphasis on glute strength and activation, hamstring strength is just as significant and frequently neglected. There are plenty of compelling arguments against skipping leg day and which exercises to add to your glutes and hamstrings workout!
Glute and Hamstring Exercises to Add to the Routine
Your running, squatting, and jumping performances will improve, and your risk of injury will go down if you have strong glutes and hamstrings.
You can execute the hamstring and glute exercises listed below, whether your objective is to build strong glutes and hamstrings or merely to develop your muscles to improve your performance in your sport:
1) Hamstring Curl
There are various ways to perform hamstring curls. For instance, you may utilize a standing cable leg curl, a laying machine leg curl, a lying dumbbell curl, or a seated hamstring curl machine. This glute and hamstring exercise is one of the easiest ways to strengthen the glutes and hamstrings.
Instructions to follow:
- Your feet should be positioned beneath the roller pad as you lie flat on a hamstring curl machine.
- Make sure the roller pad is positioned such that your calves and heels are above it.
- Keep your legs completely straight behind you, and firmly grasp the bench's side--that's the beginning.
- Once your hamstring and gluteal muscles begin to tense, inhale and slowly curl your legs.
- Then, after a brief pause, extend your legs till they are straight.
- Perform three sets of 8-10 repetitions each, with a rest period of 2 minutes in between each set.
2) Hamstring Slide
Your hamstrings are used in this glute and hamstring exercise to flex your knee and stretch your hips. Another advantage is that since no weight is needed to load the muscle, it is gentle on the joints. This exercise is a great hamstring workout for women.
Instructions to follow:
- In a backward lying position, place your knees bent to a 90-degree angle.
- Place your heels on a pair of sliders.
- By squeezing your glutes, you may elevate your hips and bring your heels down so that your legs are virtually fully extended.
- After that, put your heels back under your knees by flexing your hamstrings, then repeat.
3) Glute Bridge
Glute bridges as a glute and hamstring exercise which are easy enough for everyone and effective enough to strengthen anyone of any skill level.
Instructions to follow:
- Lie down on your back with your legs arched at a 90-degree angle and your feet firmly planted on the ground with your shoulders wide apart.
- Push your heels into the floor, raise your upper legs and body into the air, and expand your hips until your quadriceps and torso are aligned with one another.
- Contract your glutes, and hold the position for some time.
- Then, release to go back to the initial position.
4) Barbell Hip Thrust
The barbell hip thrust is comparable to glute bridge, but this glute and hamstring exercise presents a greater challenge to hip extension, which makes it one of the best glute exercises for women.
Instructions to follow:
- With your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent, sit on the ground with your shoulder blades pressed up on a bench.
- A barbell should be placed in front of your hips.
- Use your hands to stabilize the bar as you hold it.
- In order to lift the bar and your hips off the ground, tighten your glutes.
- Return to the starting position after pausing once your thighs and torso are parallel.
5) Split Squat
Split squats or Bulgarian split squats make an explosive glute and hamstring exercise. Unlike some other exercises, this glute and hamstring exercise doesn't isolate your glutes and hamstrings, but with proper technique, you may still bulk up those lower body muscles.
Instructions to follow:
- Place one knee on the floor and position your other leg at a 90-degree angle.
- Lean slightly forward, plant your back toes on the floor, and tighten your abdominal muscles.
- Hold the weights firmly in both hands, and keep your head neutral by looking straight ahead.
- Keep your torso in a straight line as you lift yourself up by squeezing your back glute.
- Without smashing your back knee to the ground, bend your back.
As evident from the name, glute and hamstring exercises help in building healthy glutes and hamstrings. Healthy muscles should be powerful but also flexible since muscle tears and pain are less likely to occur if your muscle fibers can readily lengthen and contract. Your posture, mobility, and performance may all be enhanced as well as your risk of injury if you develop these muscles.