While barbell squats are a great lower body builder, there are many goblet squat variations that can help you achieve similar results while putting less stress on the lower back, spine, and joints.
Due to the front loading of weight in the goblet squat, it's an excellent exercise for beginners to learn proper bracing of the core. In this article, we will examine the best goblet squat variations to add to your leg day routine to build strong, muscular legs.
Sumo Goblet Squat and Other Goblet Squat Variations
Here's a look at five such exercises:
1) Sumo Goblet Squat
This exercise is among the best goblet squat variations to specifically target tje adductors.
- Hold a kettlebell/dumbbell with both hands placed directly in front of your chest.
- Stand upright with your feet held wider than hip-width. Point your knees out, and adopt a sumo stance.
- While bracing your core, descend into a squat. Feel the stretch in your inner thigh, quads, and glutes.
- Explode back up to the starting position. Repeat.
- Perform 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps.
2) Landmine Goblet Squat
This exercise is an excellent quad builder that can torch the core muscles. This is also one of the best goblet squat variations for people recovering from a shoulder or lower back injury.
- Find a stable landmine attachment, and attach a barbell on one end.
- Add weight to the end facing you, if needed.
- Grip the barbell with both hands.
- Brace your core; inhale, and descend into a squat.
- Exhale while using your lower body to push the weight back up. Squeeze your glutes at the top. Repeat.
3) Heels-Elevated Goblet Squat
There are not many goblet squat variations that emphasize the quads as much as the heel-elevated version. This exercise is also ideal for those with limited hip and ankle mobility.
- Take two weight plates, and place them next to each other.
- While standing, place your heels on the plates, with your toes on the floor.
- Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell, with both arms in front of your chest. Keep your chest up.
- Descend into a deep squat. Hold the quad stretch for a second.
- Return to the starting position. Repeat.
4) Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat
It's great for building unilateral leg strength, balance, and hip mobility.
- Stand in front of a bench. Place your foot (dorsum) on the bench behind you.
- Adjust your body such that the bent leg is perpendicular to the bench.
- Hold the dumbbell or kettlebell in a goblet position.
- Brace your core, inhale, and squat down. Think of driving your back knee to the floor.
- Exhale and push back up. Squeeze your glutes and quads at the top. Repeat.
5) One-and-quarter Goblet Squat
This is one of the best goblet squat variations to add to your home workout routine, especially if you've lighter weights. Increased time under tension can cause greater hypertrophy and strength gains, as well as lower body endurance.
- Set up as you would for a normal goblet squat.
- Squat down as you would usually. On the way up, stop at about 3/4ths of the way up, and sink back into a squat.
- Come back up to complete one rep. Repeat.
Bonus Tips
- Add in resistance bands to work your stabilizers more.
- While goblet squats are not a replacement for compound movements like squats, use them as a finisher to boost muscle gain.
- They can be added to any circuit training routine to bolster fat loss.
Utilize the aforementioned goblet squat variations for a great leg workout targeting the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and adductors. Perform them as an assistance exercise two to three times a week for optimal results.