Quads are a common muscle group that people should work on. However, many neglect them because they tend to focus on other larger muscle groups like lats or biceps. Squats and leg presses are two of the most popular exercises for working the quads. If you want to add more variety to your workout, there are a number of exercises you can do with just your bodyweight.
Five Best Quad Exercises to Do Everyday
If you’re just beginning to exercise, then you might not realize that training your thighs and quadriceps makes a big improvement in your overall fitness. These exercises are easy to do, which means they make an excellent workout choice for people who are pressed for time that prevents them from going to the gym.
1. Bodyweight Squats
Bodyweight squats are excellent all-around quad exercises for strengthening your core and lower body as well as reducing knee pain from arthritis. They are useful in building more inclusivity.
How should you do it?
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing slightly outward, and hands clasped behind you.
- Your arms can be at your sides, folded across your chest, or clasped in front of you.
- Bend your knees and sit back, keeping your core tight and chest up.
- Pause when your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push through your heels until you return to the starting position..
2. Walking Lunge
Quad exercises like the Walking Lunge help boost your leg and core strength. Lunging only halfway down makes it easier. Using dumbbells makes it more challenging.
How should you do it?
- Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Put your hands on your hips, hold them at your chest or, if you’re holding dumbbells, keep them at your sides.
- Take a big step forward with one foot and lower yourself until the front knee of that leg is bent at a 90-degree angle and the back shin is parallel to the floor.
- Pause for a moment before taking a step forward with your opposite foot.
- Continue alternating sides as you lunge forward.
3. Bulgarian Split Squat
Bulgarian split squats work well for your quads and calves. Start by doing them with a light dumbbell and make sure you have a chair close by to hold onto.
How should you do it?
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, about two steps away from a bench or box.
- Place one foot on the bench behind you and step your front foot forward far enough that you can squat without your knee going past your toes.
- Leaning forward, squat until your front thigh is almost parallel to the floor.
- Do the exercise for your chosen number of repetitions, then switch sides and repeat.
4. Box Jump
Box jumps are meant to develop power in your lower body. It’s best to stick to five reps for this exercise because your risk of injury increases as you get tired.
How should you do it?
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and about a foot away from a solid box or any other stable surface.
- Bend your knees and lean forward until you’re in a quarter squat.
- Jump with your arms swinging forward, your hips extending upward, and your feet landing on the box.
- Land with a slight bend in your knees. Step down and repeat.
5. Reverse Lunge
Lunges are a great exercise for your quad and glute muscles. A reverse lunge is a variation of a lunge that makes it easier to balance by giving you more stability in your lead leg. Make it easier on yourself by lunging just half of the way down.
How should you do it?
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips, or clasped behind your back, to create a comfortable stance.
- Step back with one foot and lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee almost touches the floor.
- Make sure that you push through your front heel as you return to the starting position.
- Repeat for your chosen number of reps, switching sides each time.
If you’re looking to add some more quad exercises to your routine, any on this list should work well. Just be sure you’re doing a few sets of 10 to 15 reps for each exercise at least twice a week. Chances are these will become new regulars in your workout routine.
In conclusion, women can choose from several efficient quad exercises. What's important for you is to stick with a balance of exercise, and that no single exercise becomes too routine for your body. The more variations you exercise, the easier it will be to work the muscles effectively.