There are a few standing ab exercises for men that can help with toning their core muscles.
Doing core exercises can help burn fat, but you cannot spot-reduce fat. Whenever you work out, your body burns the stored fat or calories to generate the extra energy required for the effort. However, it doesn’t burn fat from a specific body part. You will lose fat overall, but doing specific exercises can help with toning muscles in various body parts.
If you want to lose belly fat, you have to focus on training that region and also have a calorie-deficit diet.
Standing Ab Exercises for Men
Here are five standing ab exercises for men to tone their ab muscles and develop core strength:
1) Woodchop
One of the top ab workouts are woodchops. It can be done using cables or dumbbells.
Ideally, you need to ensure that there's no movement apart from your core muscles to pull the weight. Your lower body and upper body should be stable, and the only movement should be from the hips.
2) Standing Rope Crunch
Standing rope crunches are another top standing ab exercises for men. The rope crunch allows you to develop core strength and stabilization. Additionally, standing rope crunches can help with developing balance during the exercise.
When you pull the weight, ensure that you’re keeping your hips stable and pulling from the core muscles and not your hands.
3) Dumbbell Side Bending
If you’re trying to focus on toning your oblique muscles, side bending is a great option. You can do side bending with cables and dumbbells.
You will need to bend towards the side you’re holding the weight in, and pull from the obliques of your other side.
4) Pallof Press
This standing ab exercise works on the smaller and larger muscles around the core. It helps with strengthening the muscles around the spine and helps with rotation.
To do this exercise, hold the cable, and extend your hands in front of your chest. When you pull the cable, only your core muscles should be engaged. The arms shouldn't be used to pull the cable.
5) Standing Crunch
Standing crunches are a common core exercise. To do this exercise, keep your hands behind your neck, and bend down towards the side where your leg comes up. When you bring your right knee towards your chest, bend towards that side.
Bottom Line
Standing ab exercises should be a part of your core exercise routine. These workouts work with variations as well and focus on developing strength and balance in the core.
These workouts allow the spine to get strengthened. Finally, you must keep your muscles hydrated and well rested. Any muscle group you train needs adequate hydration and rest to grow and become toned to serve its purpose.
If your muscles are fatigued all the time, the fibers will not get the time to grow back thicker and stronger.