If you want to keep your muscles flexible and strong, it is important to add a variety of stretching exercises to your everyday routine. Regular practice of certain stretching movements not only promotes muscle flexibility but also plays a major role in preventing muscle damage and stiffness.
Research suggests that stretching exercises can help your joints move and function through their full range of motion, allow your muscles to work more efficiently, boost your performance in all kinds of physical and sports activities, and enhance blood flow to your muscles as well.
What are the types of stretches?
There are several types of stretching exercises you can do every day. While some stretching movements can be added to your morning routine, others can be performed after a workout to relax and recover your muscles.
Some of the most popular stretching exercises include:
- dynamic stretching
- ballistic stretching
- static stretching
- active stretching
- passive stretching
Among them all, however, dynamic and static are the two most common forms of stretching.

In this article, we look at the five best stretching exercises that you must practice every day.
Best stretching exercises to try
1.Head-to-knee forward bend
This is one of the best static stretching exercises that works on your posture, stretches your spine and hamstrings, and also gives your groin, back, and calves a good stretch.
To do:
- Sit straight on an exercise mat and extend your right leg out in the front. Place the sole of your left foot inside your right thigh.
- Now lift your hands over your head and lean forward while lengthening your spine and bending at your hips.
- Reach your hands on the floor or foot and hold the stretch for a few seconds. Come back up and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
2. Standing lunge
Standing lunges are one of the most effective ballistic stretching exercises that are effective for glutes and quadriceps. This stretch also works on the psoas and hip flexor muscles and helps counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
To do:
- Take a split stance position with your left foot forward and right foot straight back. Bend your left knee at a 90-degree angle and place your hands on your left knee.
- keep your shoulders back and down and your chest open.
- Now press down your left leg with your hands and drive your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip and thigh on the right side.
- Hold the stretch and repeat the exercise. Switch sides and repeat on the other leg.

3. Chest and shoulder stretch
Chest and shoulder stretch is a great static stretching example. It can be done as soon as you wake up and get out of bed or even after a workout.
This stretching exercise can increase flexibility in the upper body and also ease tightness and pain that can occur due to the wrong sleeping position.
To do:
- Stand or sit with your back straight and clasp your hands together behind you.
- Now slowly lift your hands towards the ceiling until you feel a gentle stretch in your chest and shoulder muscles.
- Hold the stretch for a few seconds, and then lower your hands back down.
4. Calf stretch
A great exercise for the calves, the calf stretch improves flexibility in the legs and also alleviates lower-body stiffness. This stretching exercise eases muscle soreness and enhances long-term mobility, strength, and flexibility in the calves.
To do:
- Stand straight facing a wall and put your right foot forward with your knee bent. Place your left leg back and keep your knee straight.
- Rest your palms on the wall and brace yourself by keeping your core muscles tight. Now lean forward while pressing your palms on the wall until you feel a stretch in the calf muscle of your left leg.
- Hold the stretch and repeat the movement on both sides.
5. Cobra stretch
Cobra pose in yoga is one of the most effective stretching exercises that can benefit your back and stomach. Practicing it every day helps reduce back pain, open the muscles in the neck and shoulders, improve blood circulation, and promote better spinal posture as well.
To do:
- Lie flat on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders on the floor facing forward.
- Extend your legs behind you and keep your toes pointed straight. Now lift your chest up as high as you can while pushing your hips and pressing your palms into the floor.
- Hold the stretch and then lower back down slowly.

Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a novice, practicing the aforementioned stretching exercises is sure to benefit you.
By incorporating just 10 minutes of stretches into your daily routine, you can improve your overall flexibility, relax your body, and improve your posture as well.