#3 Medicine Ball Slam
The medicine ball slam primarily targets the abdomen area and is a great exercise for ensuring a flat stomach. Moreover, this total body exercise also targets the lower back and the shoulders.
Medicine ball: Buy Here
Step 1: Grab a medicine ball and stand with the straight back. Ensure that the width of the feet is approximately equal to the width of the shoulder.
Step 2: Bring the medicine ball above your head with bent arms to complete the initial position of the exercise.
Step 3: Reach as back as you can and swing the arms at a rapid pace to slam the ball onto the ground.
Step 4: Catch the ball as it bounces back.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Important tip: Always ensure a firm grip while performing this exercise.
In addition, you could even try the one-arm medicine ball slam for improved resistance.
Next up: Squat.