#5 Mountain Climber
The mountain climber is a wonderful exercise that not only targets the abdomen region for a flat stomach but also works on improving the overall strength and endurance of the upper body. Like the other exercises featured on the list, this one too requires no fitness equipment and can be performed by people of diverse skill levels.
Step 1: Start the exercise in a plank position. Ensure that the plank is solid and in perfect shape as this forms the base of the exercise.
Step 2: Pull one knee towards the chest. Then, at a rapid pace, pull the other knee towards the chest while pushing the other leg to the initial position.
Step 3: Continue this motion at a rapid pace for short bursts of time.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Important tip: Reduce the pace of the workout if you are finding it difficult to move your legs at a rapid pace.
Which of these exercises are you going to include in your daily routine? Let us know in the comments below!