The core is one of the most crucial areas to strengthen in the entire body. It comprises the abdomen, hips, waist, and mid to lower back. All these muscles are important to train for optimal core strength.
Most people have the misconception that a strong core means sporting six-pack abs, but it’s so much more than that. A strong core means a lot of benefits including:
• Ease of movements
• Better posture
• Improved stability
• Reduced back pain
• Increased strength
As a beginner, don’t just look for chiselled abs; aim for a stronger core. The aesthetics will follow with a proper diet and adequate rest.
Best Exercises to Strengthen Core
Here are five of the top exercises to strengthen the muscles in and around the core. That should help you with other heavy exercises too. Let's get started.
#1 Elbow Plank
Here's how it's done:
- Get onto the floor on your hands and knees. Drop down to your elbows, and straighten your legs out behind you.
- Squeeze your glutes, and engage your abs to hold your hips in line with your shoulders and feet.
- Hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat for 3-4 sets.
#2 Side Plank Hold
It's done as follows:
- Lay on the floor on your right side. Raise yourself up on your right elbow, and stack one feet over the other.
- Raise your hips up, and hold them in line with your shoulders and feet. You may hold your left arm out straight or on your left hip.
- Hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat for 3-4 sets.
#3 Hollow Hold
Here's how it's done:
- Lay on the floor on your back. Extend your arms straight over your head, and keep your legs straight down.
- Brace your abs to raise your arms, upper back, and legs a few inches off the ground.
- Hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat for 3-4 sets.
#4 Sit-up
It's done as follows:
- Lay on the floor, and bend your legs up in front of you, pointing your knees to the ceiling.
- Place your hands on either side of your head, and point your elbows out to the sides.
- Raise your head and upper back off the floor, crunching the abs and squeezing them.
- Lay your upper back down to the floor gently. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
#5 Reverse Tabletop
Here's how it's done:
- Sit down on the floor with your legs bent in front of you and palms placed flat just outside your hips.
- Push the ground away with your hands and feet to raise your hips. Squeeze your glutes, and push them up to align them with shoulders and knees.
- Bring your hips back down toward the floor gently.
- Repeat for 12-15 reps.
Core exercises can be performed every day, especially in today’s world where most of our days are spent at the desk, which places a lot of strain on the core. It’s advisable to perform the aforementioned exercises at least a few times a week to keep the core strong and active. Add them to your daily routine, and notice the benefits.