Having been practised for centuries now, Yoga has withstood the test of time, which points to the fact that its benefits are indisputable. The plethora of benefits caters to the body and to the mind by creating a mind-body connection. Moreover, given the fact that there are so many different types of yoga practices, people of all ages and levels of expertise can reap these benefits. Let us now explore some of the salient physical and mental benefits one can accrue from practising yoga on a regular basis.
The physical benefits of yoga include but are not limited to increased flexibility, muscle strengthening and toning, weight reduction, improved cardiovascular health, respiration, energy, vitality, metabolism, athletic performance, and protection from injury.
In addition to the aforementioned physical benefits, yoga promises a whole host of benefits for the mind as well by helping improve a person’s mental well-being. It provides mental clarity and calmness, relieves stress, and improves concentration and awareness.
This article will detail various yoga poses that beginners can get started with today at any convenient location!
#1 Cat/Cow Pose (Marjaryasana to Bitilasana)
Step 1: Start with your body weight on your hands and knees such that your wrists are directly underneath your shoulders and your knees directly underneath your hips. Your fingers should be pointing forward. Your knees and shins should be approximately hip-width apart. Relax your neck and turn your gaze slightly downward.
Step 2: Move into the cow pose by dropping your belly towards the ground, lifting your chin and chest, and gazing up towards the ceiling. Try drawing your shoulders away from your ears by broadening and opening up your shoulder blades.
Step 3: Move into the cat pose by lifting your stomach towards your spine and rounding your back towards the ceiling. Relax your head and leave it hanging such that the crown of your head is pointed towards the floor. Exhale while performing this motion.
Step 4: While inhaling, move back into the cow pose and then return to the cat pose while exhaling.
Step 5: Once comfortable with the movement, try to repeat it 15-20 times in total.
#2 Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Step 1: Stand upright with your feet together and your hands by your side. Make sure your body is spread evenly on your feet and your big toes are touching each other.
Step 2: Raise your arms over your head, interlock your fingers, and turn your palms upwards facing the ceiling or sky.
Step 3: Raise your heels from the ground and come up on your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds.
Step 4: Lower the heels and hands while breathing out.
Step 5: Repeat the movement about 10-15 times in total.
#3 Child's Pose (Balasana)
Step 1: Sit on your heels and keep your knees together.
Step 2: Breathing out, bend your body forward towards your thighs.
Step 3: Move your forehead towards the floor and try to touch it.
Step 4: Stretch your hands out in the forward direction and place your palms on the ground. Your elbows should be straight and not bent.
Step 5: Slowly breathe in and breathe out with your eyes closed. Hold your body in this posture for approximately two minutes.
#4 Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanansana)
Step 1: Start with your body weight on your hands and knees such that your wrists are directly underneath your shoulders and your knees directly underneath your hips. Your fingers should be pointing forward. Your knees and shins should be approximately hip-width apart.
Step 2: Tuck your toes and lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Your palms are rested on the ground with your fingers pointed forward while being slightly spread apart. Your head is dangling below your heart such that your gaze is towards or feet.
Step 3: Breathe and hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat the movement 10 times.
#5 Side Plank
Step 1: First come into a regular plank pose. Shift your weight on the right arm and foot and adjust your left arm and foot on it such that the left foot is resting on the right foot and the left arm is on the hip.
Step 2: The right arm should be approximately underneath the shoulder with the right palm pressed against the ground. Keep the elbow straight and firm.
Step 3: While inhaling, raise your left arm such that it is more or less perpendicular to the floor. Try maintaining your balance while performing this movement.
Step 4: Turn your neck towards the left arm and gaze at the fingertips of the left arm pointing towards the sky. Hold this position for a few seconds while breathing. Bring the left arm down and position it to rest on your hip.
Step 5: Gently come back into the starting position and rest for a few breaths. Repeat the full range of motion on the opposite side now.
Step 6: Perform 5 repetitions on each side.