5 Essential Core Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Day

Core yoga poses can strengthen your abs and keep your spine flexible and strong. (Image via Unsplash/ Tabitha Turner)
Core yoga poses can strengthen your abs and keep your spine flexible and strong. (Image via Unsplash/ Tabitha Turner)

You don’t need to go to the gym for toning abs, core yoga poses are also capable of doing so.

There seems to be a widespread misconception among non-yogis that yoga is only a simple exercise done only to encourage relaxation and never to work up a sweat.

But you're urged to draw your low abs up and in as soon as you start any yoga exercise in order to stabilize your body and align your spine. You can practice certain yoga poses to energize, strengthen, and develop your core.

Best Core Yoga Poses to Do Daily

Yoga works the deeper core muscles that support the body when maintaining balanced postures in addition to the rectus abdominis, or six-pack. Building core strength is crucial for maintaining a healthy body.

The five core yoga poses listed below are efficient for building core strength and are appropriate for beginners. If you feel you have used up all of your capacity for the day, pay attention to your body's signals and take a break.

Check out this list of some of the best core yoga poses:

1) Cobra pose

While performing the cobra pose, which is a great core yoga pose, the aim is to lift the torso off the mat while maintaining your arms relaxed and strengthening your core. In addition, this pose supposedly lessens sciatica and menstrual cramping pain while increasing spinal flexibility.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Your hands should be in line with your chest while you lie on your stomach with your legs together and your toes firmly planted on the ground.
  • Raise the upper body off the mat and inhale while activating your entire core, including your back, glutes, and abs.
  • Keep your shoulders drawn down, your chest open, your elbows tight to your sides, and your pelvis firmly planted on the mat.
  • Remain in the pose for 8-10 breaths.

2) Side plank pose

The side plank pose is an effective core yoga pose. It is a variant of the standard plank, which helps you strengthen your arms, core, and shoulders in particular.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Holding the plank position, turn onto the outside of your right foot, stacking your left foot on top of the right, all the while keeping your core tight.
  • As you slowly lift your left hand towards the ceiling and open your body towards the left side of the room, shift your weight to your right hand.
  • Ideally, you should be looking directly ahead or at your left hand.
  • Seven breaths into the pose, hold it for another, then return to the plank pose.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

3) Chair pose with a twist

Chair Pose with a twist is another core yoga pose to strengthen your back and core. This stabilizing posture benefits beginners since it strengthens and stabilizes your core system.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand keeping your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise your arms into the air and inhale.
  • Exhale out deeply and take the position as if you are sitting in a chair.
  • Join your hands in a prayer position, at the front of your chest.
  • Keep your hips aligned, feet firmly planted on the ground, and your stance strong.
  • To give your spine more length, inhale. To turn your torso just a little to the right, exhale.
  • To reap the benefits of this position, you do not need to twist too much.

4) Reed pose

A few standing positions might also aid in building stronger abdominal muscles. Reed Pose is a good place to start. This simple pose helps in defining your oblique muscles and building a strong core.


Instructions to follow:

  • In a standing pose, keep your toes pointed forward and your feet hip-distance apart.
  • With your arms raised over your head, keep your fingers intertwined.
  • Reach for the ceiling while taking a breath in, then lean to the right side while exhaling.
  • To regain balance, inhale.
  • Take a left-side and exhale.
  • Before switching to the opposite side, hold each for a little while. Aim to complete 10-12 reps.

5) Boat pose

Boat pose, a great core yoga pose, can be quite challenging. The benefits of consistent practice of this posture speak for themselves: strengthening your back, neck, legs, and abs, as well as enhancing mental fortitude by putting emphasis on balance.


Instructions to follow:

  • Legs out in front of you as you sit on your mat.
  • As you start to slowly raise your legs off the ground, lean back and support yourself on your sit bones. Your feet should be pointed up at all times, legs straight.
  • Arms should be parallel to the floor and facing each other while you contract your abs and extend them straight toward your feet.
  • While standing or sitting on your sit bones, extend your spine while maintaining a tight core.


Every day, you perform simple movements that require your rotational core. Your core's front, side, and back muscles give you the flexibility to flex, extend, and twist.

Core muscles assist with everything from picking up dog poop to carrying groceries from the farmer's market home. The good news is that by including the aforementioned five core yoga poses in your routine, you can strengthen them and keep your spine flexible and strong.

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