Those moms who recently underwent a C-section, congrats on the arrival of your new child! The next several weeks will see a slight change in how you approach exercise. It takes a little longer to recuperate from a C-section in order to heal properly and prevent problems. Getting stronger will gradually enable you to resume your favorite activities with ease.
After a C-section delivery, walking is recognized as a crucial component of recovery activity. After delivery, it's important to do as much exercise as you can, such as taking a quick stroll or pacing the house. This lessens the chance of blood clots and eases you back into exercise without putting too much stress on your scars.
Best Exercises After a C-Section Delivery for Recovery
Go for a post-delivery visit to discuss your recovery with your care provider before beginning any exercise program. Since every woman's recovery is unique, it's essential to acquire your doctor’s approval before exercising.
Here are a few easy exercises you may do for your C-section recovery routines once you have been given the all-clear:
1) Diaphragmatic breathing
The first activity to begin re-establishing your core after a c-section is diaphragmatic breathing. What does your core have to do with breathing? Everything, to be honest. Holding your breath may cause your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles to remain stiff and hinder a healthy contraction of your pelvic floor muscles.
Check out the best breathing exercises to help improve your fitness.
Instructions to follow:
- Knees bowed and feet flat on the ground, lie on your back.
- Your ribs should be supported by one hand on each side.
- Permit the ribcage to expand completely as you inhale. Imagine your ribs expanding outward in the shape of an umbrella.
- Release any tightness in the shoulders and neck and let the belly expand.
- Exhale slowly.
2) Wall sit
An effective technique to encourage all muscle groups to work together harmoniously is to perform this entire-body isometric exercise. This helps in getting a fast recovery from the C-section.
Instructions to follow:
- Place your feet a foot or two away from the wall as you stand.
- Lean back slowly and lower yourself on the wall to take a seat. Your knees and hips should be at a 90-degree angle.
- Activate your center. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, imagine pulling your belly button against the wall.
- Hold onto it as long as you can.
3) Leg slides
This easy-to-do core exercise for beginners helps to gently but effectively engage the core muscles. It helps soothe pelvic muscles and aids in recovery after a c-section.
Check out the best exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
Here’s how to do it:
- Knees bowed, feet flat on the floor, lying in the back-lying position. To help your feet glide across the floor effortlessly, slip on socks or place a towel under them.
- Get a good, long breath. Pull your belly button towards your spine without altering the curve of your lower back as you exhale to engage your abdominal muscles.
- To fully extend your leg, steadily move your foot away from your torso while continuing to maintain this contraction.
- Bring the object back to its starting location gradually.
4) Modified cobra exercise
Cobra exercises are performed on abdominal muscles. It helps in recovery after a c-section as it relaxes core muscles.
Instructions to follow:
- Place your palms near your shoulders while lying on your stomach.
- You should have your elbows tucked into your ribcage.
- Without straining your lower back, raise your head and neck off the floor.
- As though straining to elevate your pelvis off the ground, tuck in your navel.
- Go back to your starting point. Perform 8-10 times.
5) Ball squeeze
The transverse abdominals and pelvic floor can both be stimulated by contracting the inner thigh muscle. You can execute this ball squeeze exercise while sitting with your feet on the floor or while lying on your back. It is a quick and efficient approach to begin engaging your core.
Instructions to follow:
- Knees bowed and feet flat on the ground, lying on your back. Put a soft pillow, soccer ball, or yoga block between your knees.
- Inhale to be ready.
- Squeeze the block between your knees, drawing your lower abdomen and pelvic floor in gently as you exhale.
- Repeat by inhaling.
After a C-section, exercise should be performed with extreme caution. You should be able to undertake pelvic floor exercises (like Kegels) quickly after birth, provided your doctor is happy with it.