#4 Barbell Bench Press
The barbell bench press is an ideal exercise for building muscle and adding mass. It not only targets the chest muscles but also works on improving the core and shoulder muscles, giving you a complete upper body workout.
Step 1: Lie down on a flat bench and hold the barbell just above the chest. The palms should be facing away from the head and towards the feet. Have a firm grip with a distance approximately equal to the width of the shoulder. The upper arms should be perpendicular to the torso in the starting position.
Step 2: Take a deep breath and lift the barbell until the arms are straight and perpendicular to the floor.
Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the initial position.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Important tip: Take extreme caution while lifting heavy weights. It is preferable to work with them under supervision.
Next up: Dumbbell Fly