#5 Dumbbell Fly
The dumbbell fly targets the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscles in the chest region along with working on the shoulders, biceps and triceps.
Also, read 6 Best Chest Exercises with Dumbbells To Build Your Chest.
Casual trainers and beginners could also train their chest muscles using the dumbbell fly, thanks to its simple yet effective motion.
Step 1: Lie on a flat bench on your back and hold dumbbells in both the hands. Hold the dumbbells directly above your shoulders with slightly bent elbows. The palms should be facing away from the body. Hold them at a distance that is approximately equal to the width of the shoulder.
Step 2: Lower your arms to side in an arc until you feel a stretch in the chest and shoulders.
Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the starting position.
Perform the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
Important tip: Do not use momentum while lowering the weights as an improper motion could damage the rotator cuff.
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