Which is the one part of your body that helps you out with all the strength training exercises but is never given due credit? Yes, your forearms! It is the most crucial part of our arms that helps you to train your biceps, triceps, shoulders etc., but how many of us spend a good 7-10 minutes session to just concentrate on this area?
Now is the time to work on your forearms. But again, people might shy away from doing so just because they do not have the equipment to aid them in the process. So we bring an arm workout regime that can be done without any equipment for your forearms.
Some things you need to know before you start working on your forearms are:
1. The muscles that make up your forearms are extremely stiff. Hence, working on them once a week will not be enough. You must do these exercises on alternate days to see the maximum results.
2. When it comes to working on your forearms, 2 things are extremely important: the number of repetitions and the pace of your movements. You must do about 15-20 reps, to quote the least, and you must also maintain controlled movements and proper form.
3. The muscles in the forearms are really small and hence take time to adapt to the exercises. Reps, hence, play an important role. Many will argue that your forearms are involved in all strength-training exercises and are hence trained in the process but that is not the case due to the kind of grip and angles.
Once we have understood these important insights, let us get to a forearms exercise routine that can be done at home and requires no equipment.
Exercise #1
Push Ups
This exercise will not only work on your forearms, but also on your core and shoulders.
Step 1: Get down on all fours. Extend your legs behind you and place your arms under your shoulders. See to it that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels.
Step 2: Keeping your toes fixed, lower your body by bending your elbows.
Step 3: Once you are close to the ground, push your body up to get back to the initial position. Repeat.
Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.
Also, read 6 Intensive Forearm Workouts For Guaranteed Muscle Growth.
Next up: Chair Ups
Exercise #2
Chair Ups
This exercise can be done with a chair, alone, but weights can be added to increase the difficulty level of it.
Step 1: Keep a chair in front of you and lie down in front of it. Your torso needs to be on the floor.
Step 2: Extend your arms in front of you and grip one leg of the chair in each hand. Your elbows need to be firmly placed on the ground.
Step 3: Without raising your elbows, lift the chair just by using your wrists and forearms. Hold this position for 45-60 seconds.
Step 4: Lower the chair and repeat.
Do 3 reps of this exercise and place weights on the chair to increase the difficulty level.
Also, read 5 Best Arm Workouts For Women To Reduce Arm Fat And Get Toned Arms.
Next up: Crab Walk
Exercise #3
Crab Walk
This is an effective exercise not just for your forearms, but also helps to build your abs!
Step 1: Sit on the floor. Keep your palms next to your body and let your fingers point sideways.
Step 2: Now slowly push your hips off the floor and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, such that your feet are placed firmly on the ground, your thighs are parallel to the floor and your body is forming a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
Step 3: Start walking forward without changing the posture.
Do this exercise for 2 minutes and relax.
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Next up: Fingertips Push Ups
Exercise #4
Fingertips Push Ups
This exercise has all the benefits of a regular push up but it has an added advantage of increased concentration on your forearms.
Step 1: Get in the regular push up position with your palms under your shoulders and your body perfectly aligned.
Step 2: Now slowly, lift your palms and place your fingertips on the floor. Your body must be supported on your fingertips and your toes.
Step 3: Perform a push up by lowering your body and getting back up to the initial position. Repeat.
Do as many reps as you can. Master the regular push up first and then try out the fingertip pushup.
Next up: Pull Ups
Exercise #5
Pull Ups
Usually, people do this exercise at the gym, but it can be done without a pull-up bar as well. You can use a door for this exercise. Note that the door must be strong enough to support your weight.
Step 1: Hold the upper edge of the door and maintain a firm grip. Use a towel in case of rough edges.
Step 2: Pull your body up as much as you can.
Step 3: Lower your self down and repeat.
Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps each.