In this day and age, everyone is trying to find ways to make their life more efficient, which sometimes comes at the cost of physical activity. That can mean anything from creating a better work-life balance or finding ways to get more done with less time and effort.
One way of doing that is by ensuring you get enough physical activity each day. If you're not sure how much activity it takes to meet the recommended guidelines for your age group, here are some helpful tips:
How to Get 30 Minutes of Physical Activity
Here're five ways how it can be done:
#1 Plan an outdoor activity with your family
Choose an outdoor physical activity you and your family enjoy. Thatdoesn't have to be something like running, but it should be something everyone is comfortable doing and has the potential to do together. Team sports like badminton, tennis, and volleyball are fun sports you can try with your family or friends.
Make sure everyone is comfortable with the activity before you start. You don't want anyone getting hurt, as they didn't prepare or practice first, so make sure everyone knows exactly what they're getting into beforehand.
Ensure that whatever you choose can be done indoors or outdoors depending on weather concerns, as well as within 30 minutes (or less) so that it fits into your busy schedule.
#2 Take a walk
Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace. Do it in the morning or evening, when it's cooler outside, and you can get more enjoyment out of the sunshine.
Walking can help lose weight and sleep better, which are the main benefits of physical activity. People who exercise regularly have higher self-esteem, less depression, and fewer eating disorders than those who don't work out as often.
Moreover, they're less likely to develop heart disease or diabetes later in life. Walking can also help lose weight by burning calories throughout the body; just ten minutes of walking burns about 80 calories for most people.
#3 Do some light gardening
Gardening is a great way to get your 30 minutes of physical activity. It can be done at any age and in any weather, even if you live in an area that doesn't get much sun.
Gardening can help with your mental health as well. It's calming and relaxing, and gives you a sense of accomplishment when you see the fruits of your labor come out on the table for dinner.
#4 Move around while you're cooking dinner or washing dishes
Do you find yourself sitting for long periods? Try to get up and move around every 20 minutes. That way, you’re not just sitting on your bum for hours on end — and if you can't make it 20 minutes — at least try to move around every hour.
Movement is a great way to burn calories and reduce inflammation. Moving around can help increase your physical activity, even if it's just a few extra minutes a day. It also improves mood by raising serotonin levels in the brain. Moreover, being active promotes better sleep quality than being sedentary does. So don't sit still while cooking dinner or washing dishes — do them standing up instead. You will burn more calories while working hard at the same time: win-win.
If you like doing laundry by hand, make sure you're standing up while folding clothes or hanging them up to dry on the line outside. Also remember: taking walks around the block while waiting for dinner has a lot of benefits too.
Walking around the house and staying on your feet rather than opting for a sedentary lifestyle has endless benefits, like boosting your active minutes throughout the day. It may not seem like much, but those minutes pile on and can make a significant contribution to your health.
#5 Take the stairs
Instead of taking the elevator, walk up the stairs instead. Using the stairs instead of an elevator is a great way to get physical activity and also save time by avoiding waiting for an elevator.
For example, say you need to go from your office on the fourth floor to lunch on the first floor — take three sets of stairs instead. If you’re going between floors at work, don’t be afraid to leave your office chair behind and use your body as transportation instead by walking down or up one flight of steps rather than waiting for an elevator.
We know that one of the most challenging parts of physical activity is finding the time to do it. However, we also know that there're many ways to squeeze in 30 minutes of activity every day if you put a little thought into your schedule and make it fun.
The key is not to just jump right into something like walking or gardening, but instead find something that works well with your lifestyle. If you aren't sure where to start, try planning an outdoor activity with your family over dinner or taking a walk after work.