The trapezius is a large muscle group that comprises of three functional parts – the superior fibres, middle fibres, and the inferior fibres. All these three parts are involved in movements concerning the upper body, aiding in the stabilisation and movement of the scapula (shoulder bone).
There have been numerous studies that have shown that the trapezius muscles play a vital role in shoulder and head movements. Additionally, the traps complement the deltoids in throwing and pulling movements.
Therefore, it is imperative that one works on toning their trapezius muscles with a highly focused workout program. Ensure that you include back exercises that target all the three parts of the trapezius muscle with similar intensity. A distributed workout is essential for maintaining muscle balance and a good posture.
However, including the best trap workout program in your training sessions is not all you need to build stronger traps. Ensure that you supplement these workouts with exercises that target the back and the shoulders for a complete and a balanced upper body workout.
Let us dive in deeper and look closer at the five best trapezius muscle exercises that you could add to your workout program for those killer traps.
#1 Dumbbell Shrug
The dumbbell shrug is a beginner-level traps muscle workout that effectively targets the upper trapezius muscle group. In addition, with its simple motion, the exercise is ideal for even beginners and casual trainers.
Step 1: Stand straight and hold dumbbells in both the hands with a pronated grip. The arms should be straight and parallel to the torso during the entire duration of the exercise.
Step 2: Lift the dumbbells towards the ceiling by moving your shoulders upwards. Do not use your biceps to lift the weights. The movement should be achieved only by using your shoulders.
Step 3: Hold the contraction for a moment and return to the initial position.
Perform the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
Important tip: Allow for a complete range of motion to target the traps with maximum efficiency. Keep in mind to not overload the weight and focus on completing a higher rep count.
Next up: Barbell Shrug
#2 Barbell Shrug
This exercise is one of the easiest trap workouts that you could do with a barbell. The beginner-level exercise could be performed by people of different age groups and diverse skill levels.
Step 1: Stand straight and hold the barbell in both the hands with a pronated grip. The distance between the feet should be approximately equal to the width of the shoulder.
Step 2: Lift the barbell towards the ceiling using only your shoulders. Ensure that you do not gain any advantage with your biceps.
Step 3: Hold the contraction for a moment and return to the initial position.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
Important tip: Do not overload the weight as it could lead to a serious shoulder injury or back injury.
Next up: Pull-Up
#3 Pull-Up
Pulling movements are great for improving the lower trapezius muscle group, and the pull-up is one of the best lower trap exercises that you could perform with only your bodyweight. In addition, the pull-up is great for toning the lower back as well.
Step 1: Grab the pull-up bar with both the hands. The palms should be facing away from the body, and the distance between the arms should be just wider than the width of the shoulder. Ensure that the arms are fully extended in the starting position.
Step 2: Pull yourself upwards until the chin is just above the bar. Keep in mind that the upper torso should be stationary throughout the entire duration of the exercise.
Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the initial position.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Important tip: Perform the pull-up with a weighted vest for added resistance and improved customizability.
Next up: Face-Pull
#4 Face-Pull
The face-pull not only targets the traps but also targets the deltoids, rhomboids, and the rotator cuffs.
Step 1: Stand straight in front of a high pulley, grab the weight attachment and hold it in front of the chest. Keep a stationary torso during the entire duration of the exercise.
Step 2: Pull the attachment towards the face by contracting the shoulder blades. While pulling the attachment, ensure that you move your hands as wide as possible.
Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the initial position.
Perform the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
Important tip: Keep the upper arms parallel to the floor while performing this exercise for maximum efficiency.
Next up: Standing Dumbbell Upright Row
#5 Standing Dumbbell Upright Row
The standing dumbbell upright row is one of the best exercises to train the upper body. This dumbbell back workout tones a whole range of muscle groups including the traps, deltoids and the rhomboids.
Step 1: Stand straight and grab dumbbells in both the hands. Position the dumbbells in front of the thighs with fully extended arms to complete the initial position of the exercise.
Step 2: Lift the dumbbells upwards using your shoulders until they almost touch the chin. Keep the dumbbells close to the body and move your elbows away from the torso as you lift the dumbbells.
Step 3: Hold the contraction for a moment and return to the initial position.
Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Important tips: Do not overload the weight as it could lead to a rotator cuff injury. People with a history of shoulder problems should exercise caution while performing this exercise.