#2 Wrist Curls with Dumbbells
This exercise targets the wrist flexors, extensors, pronators and brachialis.
Step 1: Sit on a bench or a chair, and keep your legs shoulder-width apart. You can also stand.
Step 2: Grab a dumbbell in each hand, and place your forearms on your thighs with your palms facing up. Do not rest your wrists on your knees.
Step 3: Keeping your forearms stationary, curl your wrists toward them. Hold this pose for 1-2 seconds.
Step 4: Slowly extend your wrists back and down toward the floor.
Important Tip: Do 10-12 reps of 3 sets each. Avoid using heavier dumbbells for this exercise and wear a wrist support if needed.
Next Up: Resistance Band Wrist Extensor
Edited by Mayank Vora