Believe it or not, yoga not only helps in losing weight and maintaining a specific fitness level, but also helps in treating anxiety and depression. We all have jitters at some point in our life. Even though we might take medicines it is not always our first choice. There needs to be something better than just popping pills and there is!
Yoga has been known to calm down your senses since time immemorial. It is mainly because it promotes a specific kind of a breathing pattern that not only enhances the mind and body connectivity but also gives a sense of relaxation and calmness.
A lot of people have equated yoga with meditation. They have gone to the extent of saying that yoga, in spite of being a form of physical exercise, gives a boost to your energy and does not drain you out. It helps you manage your emotional problems and acts as a technique that promotes self-soothing. Yoga, if done keeping in mind the necessary breathing techniques, can really help with relaxing and uplifting your mood and also reducing your anxiety and stress.
Even though we have spoken of some asanas that can help in reducing anxiety, simply lying down and practicing savasana or doing pranayamas can help with the cause, too.
Once we are clear with how yoga helps fight anxiety, let us look at a yoga session with the relevant asanas and poses.
Yoga Pose #1
Step 1: Kneel down on the floor and rest your hips on your legs. Keep your back straight. Your knees can be together or spread out, depending on your comfort level.
Step 2: Extend your arms over your head and clasp them together.
Step 3: Bend forward while keeping your hips in place and your upper arms close to your ears. Go until your palms are resting on the floor.
Step 4: Once you reach this position, loosen up. Breathe consistently and do not tense your body. Stay for as long as you can and get back up.
Do this pose for 2 minutes.
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Also, read 5 Easy Yoga Poses For Beginners.
Next up: Ustrasana
Yoga Pose #2
Step 1: Kneel down on the floor and place your knees hip width apart. Get your hips off the floor such that your thighs are at a 90 degrees angle with the ground. Your feet must be kept firmly on the floor.
Step 2: You can either extend your arms in front of you or place them on your hips. Pull you chest up and your shoulders back.
Step 3: Slowly bend your upper body backwards while keeping your back straight. Do not let your body curl forward. Slowly, place your hands on your toes and stay in that position for 1 minute.
Step 4: Get back to the initial position slowly and remember to breathe properly throughout the exercise.
Also, read 5 Proven Yoga Poses For Back Pain.
Next up: Uttanasana
Yoga Pose #3
Step 1: Stand straight and either keep your feet together or slightly apart. Keep your back straight and arms by your side.
Step 2: Extend your arms over your head and clasp them together.
Step 3: Bend forward, hinging at your hips, and try to touch your toes with your fingers.
Step 4: Go as low as you can and when you reach the final pose, just let loose. You can hold your elbows or let your arms swing. Relax and breathe.
Stay in this position for as long as you can and do this for 1 minute.
Also, read 6 Effective Yoga Poses To Ease Lower Back Pain.
Next up: Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Yoga Pose #4
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Step 1: Put a blanket on a chair and place the chair about 2 feet away from the wall in a way that if you sit with your hips on the edge, you can touch the edge of the wall with your legs extended in front of you. The open side should face the wall.
Step 2: Sit on the edge of the chair while facing the wall and let your toes touch the corner of the wall.
Step 3: Hold the chair’s support and bend back such that your shoulder is on the other edge of the chair.
Step 4: Place your arms on your legs or hold the edge of the chair. Try and push the chair away from the wall and let loose.
Hold this position for as long as you can. Relax and get back up.
Next up: Viparita Karani
Yoga Pose #5
Viparita Karani
Step 1: Place a yoga mat next to a wall. Sit next to the wall such that your left side is close to it.
Step 2: In a single motion, bring your legs up against the wall and place your upper body on the mat.
Step 3: Slowly get closer to the wall such that your hips are touching the corner.
Step 4: Close your eyes and loosen up.
Stay in this pose for as long as you want and then get back to the initial position.