#2 Standing Pendulum Stretch
The standing pendulum stretch uses the weight and momentum of your arm to encourage movement at the shoulder joint while maintaining inactivity of the injured or repaired muscles.
Step 1: Stand beside a table with the hand of your unaffected shoulder on the table and feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Step 2: Bend at the hips approximately 75 to 90 degrees and let your affected arm hang down toward the floor.
Step 3: Shift your weight from side to side, letting your arm swing freely side to side. Also shift your weight forward and backwards, letting your arm swing freely front to back.
Important Tip: Do 30 seconds of 3 sets twice a day. Once you are comfortable with these movements you can move your body so that your arm swings in a circle, being careful not to use your shoulder muscles to create movement.
Also, read 6 Effective Shoulder Stretches To Instantly Fix Tight Shoulders & Relieve Tension.
Next Up: Towel Stretch