You may have heard about hot yoga, but you may not know what it is or what benefits it entails.
This form of yoga is a great choice for those who regularly practice yoga, as well as ones who're just starting out. Read on to learn more about this popular form of stretching and exercise and how you can sweat your way to the best health possible.
What is Hot Yoga?
The terms 'hot yoga' and 'Bikram yoga' are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same.
Bikram yoga is done in a hot room, while hot yoga can be practiced in any temperature. Bikram yoga was founded by Bikram Choudhury and includes 26 poses and two breathing exercises that are always done in the same order in every class. Hot yoga, though, involves doing asanas in a heated room, but the temperature can vary depending on the instructor's preference.
The time allotted for each hot yoga class can vary from studio to studio, but the number and variety of poses practiced in each session is consistent. Unlike Bikram yoga, which is dedicated to focused, solitary practice, hot yoga is often accompanied by music and a more social atmosphere.
Benefits of Hot Yoga
Here are the benefits of hot yoga:
1) Improves Flexibility

Embarking on a regular yoga regimen can improve flexibility in the muscles, joints, and tendons.
A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that after eight weeks, Bikram yoga participants had greater flexibility in their shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings compared to the control group.
Flexibility makes certain yoga poses easier to get into. Ot can also help you increase your strength; the same study found that participants who did yoga increased their strength in deadlift.
2) Increases Lung Capacity

In yoga, you work with breathing techniques and stay mindful of your breath. This training strengthens your lungs and allows more oxygen to enter your bloodstream. A healthy lung capacity can decrease with age, but hot yoga can slow down that process.
Yoga breathing exercises called pranayama (pronounced prah-nah-YAH-mah) help increase the capacity for oxygen intake by training you to control your breathing. This type of yogic breathing involves abdominal, thoracic, and clavicular breaths.
3) Builds More Bone Mass

The bones of older people naturally become thinner. For instance, women going through menopause may lose half their bone mass in ten years. A study in Scientific Research found that fiveyears of practicing Bikram yoga can increase bone density in the spine, hips, and neck.
The study concluded that a heated environment alleviates the effects of osteoporosis by improving circulation, respiration, and perspiration.
4) Helps Manage Stress

Yoga encourages you to turn inward and creates awareness of the outside factors that cause you stress, such as tight muscles or a busy schedule. As you practice regularly, you will begin to understand how the breathing techniques, stillness, and heat of the room work together to help the body and mind relax.
In a study published in the Journal of Mental Health, researchers found that after a 90-minute session of hot yoga, sedentary adults experienced improvements in their mood and stress level.
5) Improves Skin Health

Post-yoga, the skin glows. Sweat improves circulation, and oxygen-rich blood gets pumped to the surface of the skin, which means more collagen and better hydration, and fewer wrinkles too.
How to Get Started with Hot Yoga?
If you're new, try taking a regular class or two with a few different instructors to see if you like the way they teach and whether their studio is a good fit for you.
Ask about hot yoga classes, and which classes are best for beginners. You may also want to try out a few studios before settling on one. Some studios offer free or discounted trial classes to help you decide if it's right for you.
Safety Tips
Just like with any exercise, it’s important to know how to stay safe and injury free if you want to keep doing Bikram yoga. If the heat or unfamiliarity of the class intimidates you, try easing into it by doing a few classes first or by talking with a veteran yogi about what to expect.
Here are a few tips:
- Before, during, and after the class, drink water to stay hydrated.
- If you feel overheated or uncomfortable, step outside for fresh air. Yoga teachers want you to feel safe and strong in their class, so taking a break if you need it is encouraged.
- If you have a history of low blood pressure or heart problems, or if you’re pregnant, make sure to talk to your doctor before going on a diet.
Bottom Line
More and more people are turning to yoga for a variety of reasons, one of them being exercise. Considering its wide range of health benefits, hot yoga is a great option for people who want to experience yoga's core benefits but are looking for a less physically demanding variation.
Despite criticism about the heat and lack of air conditioning, hot yoga remains popular with practitioners. Add this type of yoga as another tool in your regular workout routine, and it can help you get fit and stay fit over time.