5 Yoga Poses to Help You De-stress during the Holidays

Some of the best yoga poses for de-stressing are the simplest ones (Image via Pexels @Koolshooters)
Some of the best yoga poses for de-stressing are the simplest ones (Image via Pexels/Koolshooters)

Some of the best yoga poses to calm down and de-stress are the simplest ones, you can perform easily without much guidance.

Contrary to popular belief that holidays are a time for rest and relaxation, they can be quite stressful. Cleaning, decorating, and cooking mounds of delicious dishes are all enjoyable activities to a certain extent, but they can also leave you feeling drained and fatigued.

The best way to relax? Yoga, of course. Performing simple and easy yoga poses that can help you de-stress and relax is the best way to enjoy your holidays even more.

Yoga Poses to De-stress

Check out the following five simple yoga poses that can help you relax and de-stress. Also check out these best yoga poses for a relaxing evening practice. Let's get started:

1) Uttanasana

Uttanasana is one of the simplest yoga poses you can do to de-stress (Image via Pexels/Marta Wave)
Uttanasana is one of the simplest yoga poses you can do to de-stress (Image via Pexels/Marta Wave)

It's one of the best yoga poses that has been shown to reduce mental and emotional strain. A lot of the stress and tension we experience manifests in the neck and shoulders.

This pose physically releases the tension from those areas and allows the upper body to relax. While holding this position, try to relax your neck completely. Visualize any anxiety or tension you're feeling simply melting away off your back, to fully benefit from this pose.


  • Stand upright and tall. With an inhale, raise both hands above your head in one swift and easy-flowing motion.
  • Exhaling, fold forward by bending at the hips.
  • If your hands are at a comfortable length, you can put them on the floor.
  • Alternate hand placements include reaching for the inner or outer thigh or the opposite elbow.
  • You should let your head, neck, and upper body completely relax and unwind from any tension.
  • Maintain that state for five full breaths while closing your eyes.

2) Vrikshasana

It can help relieve stress and anxiety. As you will be grounding yourself and concentrating, the pose will serve to refresh and rejuvenate your mind. This is one of the best yoga poses to relieve muscle tension and become stress-free.


  • Stand with your feet together, inner ankles, and knees touching, and arms by your sides. Balance on both feet.
  • Rooting through to the ground with your left foot, reach down, and grab your right inner ankle.
  • Draw your right foot along your inner left thigh. Keep your foot above or below your knee. Align your pelvis over your left foot. Align your hips.
  • Lengthen your tailbone, and put your hands on your hips. Pray with your palms together at your chest and thumbs on the sternum.
  • Focus on something still. Press your right foot and left thigh equally.
  • Inhale as you raise your arms, and touch the sky. Face your palms inward, and take 5–10 deep breaths.
  • Switch legs, and repeat.

3) Adho Mukha Svanasana

Perform this yoga asana regularly to stay fit (Image via Pexels/Vlada Karpovich)
Perform this yoga asana regularly to stay fit (Image via Pexels/Vlada Karpovich)

This is one of the simplest yoga poses to help you feel revitalized and energized, as it increases the flow of blood throughout the body.

As the heart is above the head in this position, it's a mild inversion. One of many ways in which inversions can help reduce stress is by increasing the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain and, in turn, calming the nervous system.


  • Start in Uttanasana.
  • Come into a kneeling position with your hands planted firmly on the floor.
  • To assume the position, walk your feet back toward the mat till the body forms an inverted V.
  • You should press down on the mat with all four corners of your hands, keeping the fingers spread wide.
  • Release your heels to the mat as far as they can go, the sit bones should be drawn up and back at the same time.
  • Putting your head back, close your eyes, and count to five.

4) Balasana

Balasana is one of the most relaxing yoga poses you can do. Relaxing in this position gently stretches the shoulders and back. Every inhale and exhale is an opportunity to sink deeper into the pose and further induce a state of deep relaxation throughout the body.


  • Relax into a tabletop position from the adho mukha svanasana, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • To do that, bring your big toes together, and spread your knees apart.
  • Open your hips back over your heels, and reach out in front of you.
  • If you find that sitting cross-legged on the floor strains your hips, try propping up your torso and head with a large pillow.
  • Maintain that state for five full breaths while closing your eyes.

5) Viparita Karani

Relax in Balasana for a calming and grounding experience (Image via Pexels/Monstera)
Relax in Balasana for a calming and grounding experience (Image via Pexels/Monstera)

The last of the relaxing yoga poses we have in this article is one of the best for relaxation and de-stressing. It canl leave you feeling rejuvenated and energised, and the mind de-stressed and calmer. The effects are instantaneous.


  • Lie down next to a wall, and roll yourself in a way such that your legs are on the wall, facing the ceiling.
  • Take a moment to relax by laying your arms by your sides or placing one palm on your stomach and the other on your heart.
  • Once at ease, close your eyes, and hold your breath for five minutes.


Holidays can be a stressful time, especially if you're someone who likes to go over and beyond.

Performing the aforementioned simple de-stressing yoga poses can help you take that time off for yourself and feel better by calming down. For more relaxing yoga poses, check out these peaceful yoga exercises to help relax your mind.

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