Dumbbell exercises are a great way to work your upper body and stay in shape. Apart from improving your posture, balance, and core strength, it also helps you build muscle, lose weight, and get fit, all while being inexpensive and not requiring much equipment.
The dumbbell-based back exercises mentioned below will help you build strength and tone your upper body simultaneously.
Dumbbell Pullover and 5 Other Back Exercises for Strong Upper Body
1. Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
This is a great exercise to help you build that back, and it’s easy too. Single-arm dumbbell row will even out any muscular imbalances in your back and help you build a lean, even back.
- All you need to do is grab one dumbbell and stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.
- Rest one arm on a bench and row the weight with the other arm.
- Now lift the weight up until it reaches your chest while keeping your elbow close to your side at all times (no flapping around!).
- Lower the weight slowly until it’s just below your chest before repeating for reps as needed.
2. Bent-Over Two-Dumbbell Row
The bent-over two-dumbbell row is an excellent exercise for building your back and core muscles. It also works your arms and shoulders.
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells in front of you at arm’s length with elbows bent and palms facing forward.
- Bend forward at the hips until your upper body is parallel to the floor (or as close as possible). Keep your back flat as you lean forward, keeping your arms straight but not locked out; palms should be facing away from you throughout this exercise.
- Lift both weights up to chest height by bending elbows out to sides; squeeze shoulder blades together at the top before lowering them slowly back down again—try taking three seconds on each rep!
- Repeat 15 times for one set, then rest for 60 seconds before doing two more sets (three sets total)
3. Dumbbell Pullover
The dumbbell pullover is a classic back workout that also hits your lats just as effectively.
Follow these steps for a clean dumbbell pullover:
- Start by lying on the floor or a bench with your arms straight above you and a dumbbell in each hand.
- Slowly lower the dumbbells down to a horizontal position behind your head, keeping them close to your body as they move down.
- Continue until the weights are just above or around eye level, then raise back up to starting position; repeat for desired reps and sets (typically 10+ reps per set).
4. Renegade Dumbbell Row
The renegade row is an explosive upper-body exercise that’ll help you take your physique up a notch. It targets your back, arms, and core, making for a great option if you’re training your full body. It takes the essence of a plank and wraps it in the form of a back workout.
Here’s how you can do it:
- Lie on the floor in a plank position with your legs straight and feet on the ground.
- Hold a heavy dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing inward toward you.
- Keep your core tight and back straight as you lift both dumbbells up to your side, keeping them close to your body throughout the exercise.
- Pause for one second at the top of this movement before lowering the weights back under control until they’re hanging by your sides again (do not let them touch).
- Perform 8-12 repetitions per set
5. Single-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
This exercise is essentially a version of the conventional deadlift with an added emphasis on the posterior chain of muscles, as well as the glutes and hamstrings. It’s also a great way to balance out your strength between the sides of the body because you’ll be lifting one leg at a time. As with any movement that requires balance and stability, this also helps train your core.
To perform this exercise:
- Stand on one foot holding dumbbells in each hand at shoulder height (or higher if you’re stronger than me)
- Bend forward from your hips until you feel the tension in your hamstring area
- Slowly return back up to starting position.
6. Incline Chest-Supported Row
The incline chest-supported row is a rowing workout that targets the back muscles and biceps. It also works your rear delts, as your body is against gravity, causing your shoulders to move forward and work harder to lift the weight.
- To perform this exercise, set up by resting against an incline bench with your feet spread, knees bent, and chest flat against the bench.
- Hold one dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward toward your body.
- Pull both weights up toward your chest while squeezing both shoulder blades together (as if they were touching).
- From here, lower the weights back down until they touch just below your chest before repeating for reps or time.
To boost intensity in this move: Perform it as explosively as possible on each rep to get more out of it!
And there you have it! These are the best dumbbell back exercises and workouts that will help you build a strong, V-shaped back.