Spot reduction of fat is not possible. You have to work on reducing fat from the body. To lose thigh fat, you need to incorporate exercises that help in reducing overall fat in the body. There are workouts that can help maximize toning of the thighs.
Resistance band exercises provide similar results as other weighted equipment. These workouts can help you lose thigh fat by adding intensity and challenge to your exercise without the inclusion of weight. Resistance band exercises also help in toning and strengthening the thighs.
Resistance Band Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat
Here are the six best and most effective resistance band exercises you can do to lose thigh fat:
1) Tabletop Glute Kickback
Tabletop glute kickbacks are a terrific resistance band exercise. It can help you lose thigh fat as well as effectively engage the core muscles.
How to do it?
Assume the tabletop position on the ground by kneeling on all fours. Loop the resistance band around the arches of your feet.
With an erect back, engaged core, and squeezed glutes, kick your right foot backward in a straight line. Bring your right foot back to the center position. Switch legs, and repeat.
2) Resistance Band Clamshell
You will certainly feel the burn of clamshells on both youe inner and outer thighs. It's one of the dynamic resistance band exercises to tone and strengthen the thighs.
How to do it?
Lie down on any side while holding your upper body upwards. Keep your forearm and resistance band looped slightly above your knees while your legs are on the ground with one stacked over another.
Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, and engage your abs. Drive the knee at the top as high towards the ceiling as you can before bringing it back to the center position. Swap sides, and repeat.
3) Lateral Band Walk
This is one of the simplest resistance band exercises. It can help you lose thigh fat by effectively targeting both your inner and outer thighs.
How to do it?
Loop a resistance band slightly above your knees, and bring your body into a partial squatting position with your knees slightly bent and hips hinged down.
Keep your hands in front of you at the center of your chest. With the lifted chest, take a few steps towards the right while maintaining the parallel position of the feet. Move in the opposite direction with engaged abs. Repeat.
4) Resistance Band Side Leg Raise
Side leg raises help you lose fat by targeting the inner thigh muscles of the legs, which are often neglected.
How to do it?
Lie down on the side of your body with the resistance band looped slightly above the knees as your legs are stacked one over the other. Bend your leg by your knees, with your core tight. Slowly lift the top leg as high as possible before lowering it so that the leg can hover above the ground. Switch sides, and repeat.
5) Fire Hydrant
The movement of the resistance band fire hydrant helps you lose thigh fat by maximizing the toning and strengthening of the thighs.
How to do it?
Assume the tabletop position on the floor with your hips just above your knees and shoulders above your palms. Wrap the resistance band slightly above your knees. Lift your right leg sideways and upward while the hips remain still. Hold the stability of the body as you push against the resistance band. Bring your right leg back to the starting position. Switch sides, and repeat.
6) Resistance Band Leg Lift
Leg lifts are another decent exercise to lose fat by activating and squeezing the muscles around your thighs.
How to do it?
Start off in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart and a resistance band looped around both ankles. With a forward gaze and lifted chest, position your hands on the hips.
Raise your left leg off the ground towards the side as high as you can while keeping your hips still. Lower your right leg back to the center position. Swap sides, and repeat.
Bottom Line
The aforementioned resistance band exercises can help you lose thigh fat by maximizing the toning of the legs and hip region. These exercises can also help in strengthening and stretching the legs.
Light resistance band exercises and stretches can be used after intense and heavy workout sessions for sore and tight muscles. If your goal is to lose thigh fat, you should include these exercises in your workout regime.