Weight loss can be intimidating, especially if you haven't exercised in a long time. If the thought of starting up an exercise routine suddenly sends you into a cold sweat thinking of all the muscle cramps you're going to have, we understand your pain.
While there're many mental blocks one has to encounter before starting an exercise routine, the thought of muscle cramps is probably the best excuse we give ourselves: "I will feel more tired than usual!", "Maybe I should start next week when work is a little less hectic", "Who will take care of the family if I am more tired than usual?" and so on.
To address that, here we're telling you that you don't need to go through a week of muscular cramps when beginning your weight loss/ workout routine. Many facets are related to weight loss, and it isn't all about jumping around doing cardio and strength workouts.
Can Stretches Help with Weight Loss?
If you're looking to begin a weight loss regimen and do not wish to suffer through the first week, we have a way out for you. Streches. Yes, stretches are an easy and effective way to ease your body into exercise mode, so you aren't dealing with muscle cramps at the end of the day. What's more, stretches can help in your weight loss process too.
If you're one of those people who believes that stretches are only to be performed before or after a workout, think again. Research shows that daily stretching is highly beneficial, especially for people with negligible to very little physical activity. Not only does it keep the muscles loose and flexible, it can help you calm down and destress after a long day.
Check out these easy morning yoga poses and exercises for weight loss.
Stretching is also beneficial for weight loss. If you do proper stretching every day, it can help you burn calories and relieve tight muscles at the same time. Granted, the number of calories burnt may be incomparable to a cardio workout, but wouldn't you like it if those very stretches made your cardio workout much easier?
Stretches help keep your metabolism active, preventing the body from going into the 'couch potato' mode i.e. no physical exercise. They can also help you build some muscle when performed regularly (again, not comparable to cardio and strength exercises), but that depends a lot on the quality and quantity of stretches you do.
Most importantly, stretches can ease you into an exercise routine in the initial stages of your weight loss regimen. Stretches are very light, easy exercises that can work out your muscles gently (of course, you also get to decide their intensity).
As they help reduce muscle tension, you will be able to transition to more complex, muscle-building exercises and routines comparatively better than if you were to begin just cold turkey.
Best Stretches to Help with Weight Loss
There are some stretches that are better than others when it comes to promoting weight loss. Check out six of them below:
1) Cobra Stretch
This one targets the core, back, hip flexors, glutes, and arms. This is an essential pose for weight loss, especially around the core and back areas.
- Lie on your stomach. Your feet and legs should be hip-width apart. The tips of your feet should be on the ground as you point them.
- Your wrists and elbows should be stacked as you lay your hands on the ground next to your ribs.
- Pull your chest away from the floor as you inhale, lifting into spinal extension.
- As soon as your belly is completely off the ground and you're standing on your pubic bone, keep pulling your arms straight toward you.
- Maintain a straight forward gaze to keep your neck long.
2) Side Lunge
This stretch is extremely relieving, especially if you sit for long periods. Try this now, and thank us later. Side lunges are great for weight loss around the hip and thigh areas.
- Start with a wide-legged forward bend (prasarita padottanasana).
- Half-squat by bending your left knee. As you root into the right heel, keep your right leg straight, and flex your foot so that your toes are off the ground.
- Maintain a raised spine while pressing your hips back. Root yourself into your feet to prevent your body from sagging.
- If you require them for balance, keep your hands on the ground (or on a block if that's helpful).
- As you move to the other side, place your hands on the ground for support.
3) Glute Bridge
This one can strengthen your glutes and hamstrings and engage all the posterior muscles. Use it for weight loss, especially in the core and lower body.
- Lie down on your back on the floor. Put your feet flat on the ground; bend your knees, and rest your hands at your sides.
- Pushing your lower back into the ground can help you tighten your buttock and abdominal muscles.
- Raise your hips to make a straight line from your knees to the shoulders.
- Pull your belly button back towards your spine while engaging the core muscles.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds.
- To get back to the starting position, lower your hips.
4) Seated Twist
This exercise targets the obliques, core, and back muscles and is extremely relieving. It helps awaken and loosen the core and back muscles.
- Start by sitting on the floor, with your arms behind your back and legs extended straight in front of you.
- Raise your left leg, and place your left foot flat on the ground on the outside of your right knee.
- As you take a breath, raise your right arm and turning your body towards the left; place it against your raised leg so as to support you.
- Maintain the posture for about a minute.
- Repeat on the other side.
5) Knee to Chest Stretch
This relieving and calming stretch is so simple and yet so essential. It helps release lower back muscle tension and also helps resolve digestive issues. Perform it after waking up or before going to sleep every night for effective weight loss.
- Lie down on the floor on your back, with both knees bent comfortably.
- As you inhale, lift both knees, and bring them backwards and downwards to your chest.
- Clasp your arms around your knees, hugging them to your body. The lower back should be rounded and touching the floor.
- If you can, gently rock from side to side to help relieve tension.
6) Downward Facing Dog Pose
This yoga asana is a very effective one for weight loss and is included in almost all routines. It stretches the entire posterior muscles in the body and strengthens them too.
- Come to your knees, and place your wrists beneath your shoulders and hips beneath your knees.
- To lift your hips and straighten your legs, tuck your toes beneath, and push back with your hands.
- Strongly contract your quads to relieve your arms of the weight of your body. This movement significantly contributes to the restful nature of the stance.
- Turn your thighs inward; hold your tail up, and point your heels down.
- Return to your hands and knees after exhaling and bending your knees to release.
The aforementioned stretches are very basic and can be performed even by beginners. Try to take some time for yourself, and do these stretches every day for a fitter body.
For more easy stretches, check out these evening yoga poses and exercises for weight loss.