If you're always pushing your yoga practice to the next day, we have got the perfect solution for you. A simple yoga session that you can do in under ten minutes every morning is what you require.
Yoga can be done anywhere and at any time. However, the optimum time to practice is first thing in the morning. That will help you to stay active, enthusiastic, cheerful, and focused for the rest of the day.
Best Yoga Asanas To Do in under 10 Minutes
Check out the following five easy yoga asanas you can do in under ten minutes every morning.
1) Padahastasana
To begin, stand in samasthiti. Exhale and slowly bend your upper body, dropping your head and remaining relaxed in your shoulders and neck. Bring your trunk closer to your legs. Try to touch your legs to your forehead.
When folding forward, move your body from your hip joints rather than your waist. Place your palms on each side of your feet. Throughout the practice, try to keep your legs and knees straight.
2) Warrior I Pose
Warrior pose is one of the best asanas to do in the morning. This pose inspire us with their confidence and strength, and they help us connect with our own inner strength.
Step your left foot back one leg length apart from Urdhva Hastasana. As you lunge forward with your right knee, press your outer left foot into the mat.
The left foot should be pointed at a 75-degree angle. Make sure the knee is higher than the ankle. Take five to eight deep breaths.
3) Vasisthasana
Begin by performing a plank position. Remove your right hand from the floor while keeping your left palm firmly on the ground. Turn your torso to the right, and lift your right leg off the floor, placing it over your left leg.
Raise your right arm over your head, fingers pointing skyward. Make sure your knees, heels, and feet are all in contact with one other. Make sure your arms and shoulders are in a straight line. Look up at your right hand, and turn your head. Repeat on the opposite side.
4) Cat Cow Pose
Start off in the tabletop position, with shoulders piled over wrists and hips stacked over knees. Equally distribute your weight between your hands and knees; relax your feet; activate your abdominal muscles, and stretch your spine.
Your gaze should down between your hands. Round your upper back with your hands, as if a cord were pulling the centre of your back to the ceiling. Tuck your chin to your chest, and hug your tummy to your spine.
Lower your belly button, and raise your chest. As you widen your shoulders, keep your hands grounded. Lift your eyes ahead or upward, hollowing out your lower back. Move your shoulders away from your ears. Repeat this process two or three times more.
5) Side Stretch
Raise your arms to the heavens while keeping your posture tall. Maintain an even weight distribution through both feet, focusing on developing strong legs and an active core.
Relax your shoulders so that they're no longer pressing against your ears, and bring your hands together so that they're facing each other. Extend your fingertips upward.
As you exhale, stretch to one side of the body while maintaining an even distribution of weight across both feet. After you've returned to the center, stretch out to the opposite side. Engage your abdominal muscles to safeguard your lower back.
You should only go as far as it takes to maintain an easy breath, and you should avoid crushing through either side of your body. Repeat the previous step two more times, giving each side of your body three stretches.
6) Balasana
This is the best yoga asana to conclude your practice. Get down on your knees in front of the mat, and sit on your heels while spreading your knees as far apart as is comfortable. As you inhale, bring your arms up above your head.
Exhale as you bring your upper body forward into a flexed position, and place your palms on the ground. The pelvis need to be supported by the heels. Check to see that your shoulders are not too rounded forward.
You canuse a blanket as a support for either your knees or buttocks by placing it there.
Mornings can be a tough time to get yourself to move your body, let alone complete a yoga practice. However, trust us when we say this, doing this 10-minute morning yoga session will transform your morning from a grumbly one to a happy one.
This simple morning yoga sequence is great for getting your blood flowing and your energy focused. The poses will strengthen and lengthen your body, allowing you to feel fit and flexible throughout the day in mind, body, and spirit.