6 BOSU Ball Exercises for Runners

Using BOSU balls in your workout routine can help enhance stability (Image via Unsplash/Alexander Redl)
Using BOSU balls in your workout routine can help enhance stability (Image via Unsplash/Alexander Redl)

The BOSU ball is one of the most versatile pieces of gym equipment. Not only does it provide a more challenging variation for exercises like push-ups and squats, but it also serves as an impressive combination tool, forcing you to work both halves of your body at the same time.

This means an all-round sweat session that is not only fantastic for runners but also does not eat up valuable gym floor space - as opposed to parallel bars or those tiny boxing bags that never seem to come inflated. This article will talk about the best BOSU ball exercises for runners.

Effective BOSU Ball Exercises for Runners

1) Glute Bridge March

This single-legged BOSU ball exercise helps strengthen your glutes and core while working on resisting rotation during exercise. This exercise helps strengthen your lower back and provides a strong start to the workout.


Here is how you do the exercise:

  • Lie faceup with your arms at your sides, then place your feet on the BOSU ball so that your knees are bent and the ball is beneath your hips.
  • Lift your hips toward the ceiling to engage your glutes.
  • Hold this position, then raise one leg while keeping it bent at 90 degrees and your knee over your hip.
  • Then lower it back down again before raising the other leg in the same manner.
  • Repeat this sequence 10 to 12 times per side.

2) Lateral Hop Over

This BOSU ball exercise offers explosive movement, working the muscles in your lower body to help increase your speed when running.


Here is how you do the exercise:

  • Take a BOSU ball and place it on the ground, platform side down.
  • Stand on the left side of the ball with your right foot on top and left foot planted firmly on the floor.
  • Swing your arms back to build momentum and then push through your right leg to hop to the right side of the ball.
  • Shuffle your feet to land with your right foot firmly planted on the floor and left foot balancing on top of the ball.
  • Repeat 8-10 times per side.

3) Bulgarian Split Squat

BOSU ball exercises are a great way to work out your legs. Workouts that include single-leg squats not only improve your strength but also build power. If you want to be good at running, it helps to workout with BOSU balls.


Here is how you do the exercise:

  • Begin with a BOSU ball on the floor, its platform side down.
  • Stand with your back to it, bend your knees slightly, and place your left foot on top of the ball..
  • Bend your left knee to lower yourself as far as you can control.
  • Your left knee should stay tracking over your toes.
  • Stand back up by driving your left foot into the floor. Do 8-10 reps per side.
  • Then repeat with your right foot on top of the ball.

4) High-Low Plank

This BOSU ball exercise will increase your upper body and core strength, thanks to the movement of the shoulders and arms, as well as the exercise's anti-rotational element.


Here is how you do the exercise:

  • Start in a high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, core and glutes engaged, and legs straight.
  • Your body should be straight from head to feet.
  • Replace your right hand with your right elbow then your left hand with your left elbow until you are in a forearm plank position.
  • Reverse back into a high plank position.

5) Ball V-up

Do this exercise to engage and strengthen your anterior core muscles (like the rectus abdominis a.k.a. the six-pack muscles). Strengthening these muscles will make you more stable while running.


Here is how you do the exercise:

  • Starting with the BOSU ball on the ground, platform side down.
  • Sit on the ball with your hands placed on either side of it, bringing your knees in toward your chest.
  • To get into the starting position, lean back on your heels and extend your legs in front of you.
  • Then bring your legs toward your chest by raising your upper body and straightening your arms.
  • Return to starting position.

6) Close Grip Push Up

Doing exercises such as the Close Grip Push Up will help build leg and core strength, improve your balance and coordination, and increase your weight loss.


Here is how you do the exercise:

  • Start in high plank position with the BOSU ball on its side, platform facing up.
  • Bend elbows out to the sides, lowering your chest toward the ball or as far as you can without letting your hips dip or pike up.
  • Try not to arch your back or bend your knees.
  • Push back up to plank. Repeat.

Granted, these exercises are no substitute for a run in the park or a series of interval training sprints. However, they can help you improve your stability and build strength in key muscle groups, which are both vital to improving overall fitness.

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Edited by Saman
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