When we think about getting a good set of abs, we usually think of exercises in the gym and running miles on end.
While that's definitely one way to get defined abs, it's not the only way. Another great way to tone the midsection is by incorporating core-strengthening exercises into your fitness routine.
By strengthening the muscles responsible for keeping your spine stable and upright, you create a strong foundation to support your bodyweight when performing other exercises like squats or lunges. The following exercises are effective in helping you achieve a ripped midsection without having to spend hours at the gym every day.
Core Strengthening Exercises for Men
Here's a look at six such exercises for men:
#1 Hanging Leg Raise
It's the most basic of core exercises and can be performed using many variations. In all cases, you'll start with your body completely straight and hanging down in a dead hang position.
Here's how it's done:
- The arms should be fully extended above your head, gripping any object that can support your weight -- such as a pull-up bar or tree branch.
- Focus on keeping your body straight throughout this exercise; do not bend at the waist.
- Raise one leg 6-12 inches away from the ground while keeping both feet together.
- Hold this position for several seconds before lowering back down to the starting point (the dead hang position).
- Repeat this movement with each leg till you have completed one set of repetitions for each leg—i.e., if you were doing ten reps per set, it would take two sets total to complete 20 reps per session.
#2 Reverse Crunch
Reverse crunches are one of the best exercises for working your lower abs. Here's how they're done:
- Lie on your back with both legs bent at a 90-degree angle and feet flat on the floor (you can elevate them slightly if you need to).
- Place your hands behind your head or along the sides of it.
- Lift your shoulders off the floor by contracting the abdominal muscles as you bring your knees toward your chest.
- Bring your knees up, and bend them towards your torso.
- Lower back down slowly till you're in starting position once again.
- Repeat for 10-15 reps, three sets per workout session, every other day when possible (for optimal results).
#3 Plank
Here's how it's done:
- Start in a push-up position. The body should form a straight line from head to toe.
- Squeeze your abs, glutes, and quads to maintain this position for 30 seconds, and rest for two minutes.
- Repeat the exercise for as many sets as you want to.
#4 Flutter Kick
Flutter kicks are a great exercise to build muscle in the core. They work up some great tension in the midsection and give a tremendous afterburn.
Here's how you do flutter kicks:
- Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air.
- Place your hands behind your head, and lift them off the floor.
- While holding this position, bring one knee up towards your chest while exhaling with a slow flutter kick motion.
- Do not let your foot hit above or below where it started from.
- Repeat after a brief pause.
#5 Side Plank
The side plank primarily works the obliques — the muscles running along each side of the torso that helps us twist and bend — as well as the rectus abdominis muscles in the stomach.
To do this exercise:
- Lie on your left side with your legs straight and feet together.
- Prop yourself up onto your forearms, and stack your shoulders directly over your elbow joints.
- Keeping both feet flexed, lift your body so that it forms a straight line from the top of the head to the heels.
- Hold for 30-60 seconds, and switch sides; repeat for two sets total.
To get more results from this exercise, try alternating between holding the position with one hand in front of you and both hands in front of you shoulder-width apart.
#6 V-up
V-ups are a great way for you to test the core muscles and build a solid six-pack. Here's how you do them:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Bring your legs together, and lift your hips and legs off the floor till the body forms a 'V' shape.
- Hold for a moment, and lower yourself back down. Repeat for ten reps.
The key to getting a good set of abs is performing core-strengthening exercises. These are important for overall health and fitness, as well as posture.
Core exercises can also help lose weight, improve strength, and boost balance. There are many different core exercises to choose from—some more advanced than others — but all will help you achieve the body that you want.
We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of core-strengthening exercises. The key to getting good abs is to do these types of exercises regularly. Building a strong set of abs can be tough, but with these exercises, your life might just become easier.