Whether you're looking to boost your lower body strength or want to train your legs, there are various dumbbell leg exercises that can be included in your home workout routine.
Dumbbell leg exercises allow you to work on your legs unilaterally, which means you can train one leg at a time and also identify potential imbalances between the two sides.
Additionally, dumbbells are versatile, easy to use, and suitable for beginners and advanced exercisers alike. While a barbell can limit your range of motion, dumbbell leg exercises help you complete a move with the full range of motion and enhance volume as well, without making the bones and joints vulnerable.
Incorporating dumbbell leg exercises into your home workout session can help train your legs and develop your lower body muscles for massive growth.
Dumbbell leg exercises to do at home
As a beginner, start with lightweight dumbbells, and look to complete at least eight reps. If you're already into strength training for several years, go for a medium-weighted dumbbell, and aim to complete the following dumbbell leg exercises for 12 reps max.
Here’s a look at the six best dumbbell leg exercises you can do in the comfort of your home:
1) Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat
To do this exercise:
- Stand tall with a dumbbell in your left hand. Move your left leg behind, and place the top of your foot on a bench or chair.
- Bend your right knee till it nearly touches the floor, and come back up to the start. Ensure that your right knee doesn’t go beyond your right toe.
- Complete a few reps with your left leg behind, and switch legs to perform the exercise with your right leg behind on a chair.
2) Dumbbell sumo squat
To do this exercise:
- Stand straight taking a wide stance. Keep your toes pointing out and straight.
- Hold a dumbbell using both hands, and slowly lower your legs till your thighs get parallel to the floor.
- Squat properly, and ensure that your knees are aligned with your toes.
- Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise.
3) Deadlift
To do this exercise:
- Grab a dumbbell in both hands with an overhand grip. Hold the dumbbells by your sides. With your knees slightly bent and feet at hip distance. Stand tall.
- Hinge at your hips, and bend your knees to lower your torso till it gets parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to move with your torso, and let them hang just in front of your shins and knees. Ensure that your back is in a neutral position throughout the exercise.
- Push your hips back to reverse the movement, and push through your heels to come back up to the starting position.
- Repeat.
4) Forward lunge
To do this exercise:
- Stand with your feet at shoulder distance, and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your abs engaged and back straight.
- Using your left foot, take a big step forward, and bend your knee till your left thigh gets parallel to the floor.
- Lift your back heel, but do not allow your knee to touch the floor. Come back up to the starting position, and repeat on the other leg.
5) Overhead squat
To do this exercise:
- Hold a dumbbell over your head using your right hand and keeping your palm facing to the front.
- Push your heels; lower your knees, and get into a squat stance. Squat down till your hips get lower than your knees.
- Press through your heels to come back up to the starting position while keeping the dumbbell in its position.
- Repeat.
6) Single leg Romanian deadlift
To do this exercise:
- Hold a dumbbell in front of your quads and stand tall with your feet at shoulder distance.
- Balance on one foot while pressing onto your heels, and lift one leg off the floor.
- Hinge forward while balancing on the standing leg and keeping your back naturally curved.
- Continue to hinge forward till your belly button gets parallel to the floor. Pause at the bottom, and thrust your hips to bring your torso back to its starting position.
- Repeat.
The aforementioned dumbbell leg exercises are a great way to start your leg training at home. These exercises are easy, effective and suitable for beginners as well. When starting your practice, make sure to choose a dumbbell of appropriate weight, and do not overtrain your muscles too quickly.