#6 Sitting twist
Step 1: Sit with your legs folded. Next, bend your right leg and keep your right foot to the left of your left knee.
Step 2: Bend your left leg and place your left foot to the right of the sitting bone. Put your right fingertips on the floor and pull your body up.
Step 3: Move your back ribs in and turn to the right. Bend your left hand and move it to the outside of your right knee so that you can twist your body.
Repeat the same for the other side and do two of each.
Apart from these exercises, there are certain things that you must keep in mind. Your posture has a major role to play.
Sit straight and avoid slouching. A bad posture can worsen the pain. Every once in a while, spend some time doing a few shoulder stretches in order to promote circulation and muscle relaxation. Do not take your body for granted and take care of it so as to prevent adverse situations.
Do you know of any exercises that should have made our list? Sound off in the comments section below?