#3 Russian Twist
The Russian twists are very effective in toning the abdomen, especially the obliques.
Also, read 8 Best Ab Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Sculpted Six Packs.
Step 1: Lie on the floor and keep your feet together with slightly bent knees. Ensure that your feet stay in position throughout the duration of the exercise.
Step 2: Raise your torso such that it makes a 45-degree angle with the floor.
Step 3: Extend the arms forward and twist your torso to the right such that the arms touch the ground.
Step 4: Pause for a second and return to the initial position. Perform the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.
Important tip: You could perform this exercise while holding a weight plate or a dumbbell for added resistance and improved customisability.
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