The triceps is a small yet important muscle in the outer side of the upper arm that helps with pushing and lifting movements. During weight training, the triceps are often overlooked by newbie gym-goers who wish for bigger arms but focus only on the biceps. Many are unaware of the fact that triceps are larger than biceps and give the arms most of their size and bulk.
Despite being small and relatively harder to target, the triceps muscles aren’t impossible to build. In fact, some exercises can really get them to pop!
6 effective exercises to build triceps
We've gathered some of the best exercises women can perform to build their triceps for more strength and mass. Some of these exercises require weights for added intensity, but make sure you start with lighter weights if you're not used to lifting heavy.
1) Dips
Tricep dips are a killer move when it comes to developing push strength. Not only does this exercise build the triceps, but it also works the chest and shoulders. You will need parallel bars for this exercise. Tricep dips are one of the best tricep exercises for mass building.
- Stand between the parallel bars and grip them in either hand. Hoist yourself up and remain balanced by straightening your arms and engaging your core.
- Bend your elbows and lower your body toward the ground until your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Push yourself back up to the starting position, fully lengthening your arms.
- Repeat this move for 10 to 12 reps.
2) Close-grip chest press
This variation of the traditional dumbbell chest press was designed specifically to target the triceps and strengthen them. You will need a pair of dumbbells and any flat surface.
- Seat yourself on the bench and lay back onto it.
- Bring the dumbbells close together up above you with your arms straightened out. Hold your wrists at a neutral angle.
- Lower the dumbbells slowly till they are above your chest.
- Push the dumbbells up away from you, raising them up to the starting position with your arms straight.
- Repeat this move for 10 to 12 reps.
3) Tricep kickbacks
Kickbacks are a great way to build tricep strength while keeping your core stable. Additionally, hinging forward at your hips will also help work your upper back. This exercise too requires dumbbells.
- Grab a dumbbell in either hand and lean forward at your hips. Bend your knees slightly as well to maintain balance.
- Lock your elbows to your side. Ensure they do not move during this exercise, but use it as a hinge for your arm to do the work.
- Straighten your arms out behind you, pushing the dumbbells past your hips.
- Slowly bend your elbow again to return the dumbbells to the starting position.
- Repeat this movement for 12 to 15 reps.
4) Overhead extension
Overhead tricep extensions are one of the best tricep workouts for women. This exercise can be performed with a single dumbbell. Just make sure you don’t accidentally hit your head with it, because a lot of beginners tend to do exactly that!
- Grab the dumbbell with both the hands.
- Raise your arms above your head and lock your elbows in place above your shoulders. Ensure that your elbows do not flail during this exercise, but use them as a hinge for your arms to do the work.
- Straighten out your arms and push the dumbbell over your head, straightening your arms completely.
- Slowly bring the dumbbell back by bending your arms and returning it to the starting position.
- Repeat this movement for 12 to 15 reps.
5) Cable tricep pushdown
Tricep pushdowns can be done using a straight bar with the pulley adjusted at the top above your head.
- Stand in front of the machine, facing it, and grab the bar in both hands, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Straighten your arms down and hold the bar there.
- Lock your elbows to your sides. Ensure that they do not flail during this exercise, but use them as a hinge for your arms to do the work. Hinge slightly at your hips and allow your knees to bend slightly.
- Raise the bar slowly to elbow-level, and push it back down toward your thighs.
- Repeat this movement for 12 to 15 reps.
6) Rope tricep extension
This exercise is similar to the tricep pushdown, but instead of using the straight bar attachment, you will be using the rope. Adjust the pulley to the top as you would do with the pushdown.
- Stand in front of the machine, facing it, and grab the ends of the rope in both hands. Straighten your arms down and hold the rope there.
- Lock your elbows to your sides. Ensure that they do not flail during this exercise, but use them as a hinge for your arms to do the work. Hinge slightly at your hips and allow your knees to bend slightly.
- Raise the rope slowly to elbow-level, and push it back down toward your thighs. Extend your forearms outward as you do this to make it more challenging.
- Repeat this movement for 12 to 15 reps.
Add these exercises for tricep to your next upper body exercise routine. Your triceps will surely burn and pop right after! Be sure to stretch once you’re done to avoid soreness the next day. Remember to practice safely and carefully.