Emotional release can be extremely crucial, especially with the increasing stress afflicting people. This emotional disturbance often manifests itself as a negative impact on mental health and well-being.
Yoga exercises can help in coping with traumatic experiences and emotional blockages by working on uncomfortable emotions and focusing on the positive aspects. Inclusion of yoga exercises in your lifestyle can help release stagnant energy, tension, and emotional blockages and also provide numerous other benefits.
Yoga Exercises for Emotional Release
Here's a look at six such exercises:
1) Reclined Spinal Twist
Reclined spinal twists are known to aid in emotional release, helping reduce anxiety and stress from areas such as the chest, back, and belly.
How to do it?
Lie down flat on your back, with your legs positioned such that your shins are angled parallel to the ceiling. Drop your knees down towards one side of the body, and place the hand of the same side on your top knee, while the opposite shoulder is pressed onto the ground. Swap sides, and repeat.
2) Pigeon Pose
The pigeon pose is a dynamic yoga exercise that helps in emotional release by helping vent emotions through the hip opener and releasing tension from the muscles.
How to do it?
Assume the tabletop position on the ground before bringing your right knee outward and forward. Extend, and straighten your left leg backwards such that both legs create an 'L' shape.
Position your palms on the ground in front before lengthening your spine and sliding your torso. In this position, your upper torso will be over your right thigh, while your head and straightened arms will touch the ground. Hold the pose for a few breaths before releasing it back to the center position.
3) Seated Forward Bend
Seated forward bends are the best yoga exercises to help with emotional release. This pose allows you to feel more refreshed and energetic by relieving tight muscles and releasing tension.
How to do it?
Start off with your legs extended in front of you with your upright spine in the sitting position. Bring your arms over your head as you inhale. Bend your body forward from the waist up, and bring your arms to touch your toes.
With a lengthened spine, try to touch your knees with your head while keeping your knees as straight as possible. After holding the position for a few moments. return to the starting position. Make sure to keep your spine erect throughout the movement.
4) Corpse Pose
The corpse pose is among the deep relaxation poses that helps in emotional release by building greater awareness about the body and developing better mind and body connection. It also allows the muscles to relax from the stress of everyday activities.
How to do it?
Lie flat on your back with your legs slightly apart, and extend ahead while your arms are at your sides, with palms facing towards the ceiling. Hold the pose while feeling the awareness of your body for a few minutes and breathing deeply. Gently release to the center position.
5) Humble Warrior Pose
The humble warrior pose is among the easier and simple yoga exercises that helps in emotional release by building stability and positivity in the body. This pose can help in feeling more confident and being in greater ease with ourselves.
How to do it?
Assume a standing position on the ground, with one foot behind the body and heel positioned at a 45-degree angle. Adjust your feet for better alignment between the heels.
Bend your upper torso to your front knee by lengthening your leg in the back. Clasp both hands behind your lower back, and lift your chest upwards. Bow down inside the knees in the front with clasped hands over your head. Swap legs, and repeat.
6) Camel Pose
The camel pose is among the decent yoga exercises for emotional release. It helps in opening up heart space along with better processing of emotions. This yoga exercise also entails several other benefits, such as relieving tightness in the muscles and releasing stress.
How to do it?
Position yourself on the shins with bent knees and hips just above the knees. Press your hips on the front, with your palms on the lower back. Raise your head towards the sky while bending your back towards the ground.
Bring your hands towards your ankles while pressing your hips forward. Hold this pose for a few moments before releasing.
Bottom Line
Taking care of your mental health is more important than ever before, with the evolving environment and increasing stress.
Incorporating the aforementioned yoga exercises can provide both emotional and mental benefits along with enhancing your physical well-being.