HIIT exercises can help keep your metabolic rate high for hours after exercise, helping you lose weight quickly. Research has shown that a person with a high metabolic rate burns more calories at rest and during exercise. People who perform HIIT exercises with the proper weights and technique can also gain muscle mass.
These exercises increase an individual's oxygen consumption ability. HIIT workouts also help protect against lifestyle and weight-related issues, like diabetes, blood pressure, etc.
HIIT exercises typically do not require any training equipment. The exercises mentioned above don't require any expensive or cumbersome equipment other than a rope, which is usually readily available. Read on to know more.
HIIT Exercises for Men to Lose Weight Quickly
Try the following six HIIT workouts for men to target the important muscles in the body and help lose weight quickly:
1) Russian Twist
This deceivingly simple exercise is one of the best in the business to tone your abs, obliques and hips. It's very popular among athletes, as it aids with twisting motions and fast direction changes.
Here's how you do this exercise:
- Assume a position on the ground with your legs extended out in front of you.
- Elevate your knees, and take the position of a V-sit.
- Be careful to maintain a shoulder-width distance between your legs.
- Twist from side to side.
- Complete 30 reps.
2) Skipping
This exercise, extremely popular among kids, is also a great HIIT workout for adults. Many people choose rope jumping, also known as skipping, over running due to its innumerable benefits.
Skipping appears easy but burns many calories and is quite fun to do. Here's how you do this exercise:
- You'll need a skipping rope for this exercise.
- Stand tall with your legs close together and elbow close to your stomach.
- Jump, and wrap the rope around your body from head to toe.
- Additionally, you can alter the jump by jumping forward and backward.
3) Lunge Jump
The lunge jump, an advanced variant of the walking lunge, involves launching yourself into the air and switching to the other foot before landing. This exercise is a great calorie-burner and requires no weight-lifting equipment.
It'sa great cardio workout as well, as it helps increase your heart rate pretty rapidly. Here's how can do this exercise:
- Stand upright with your legs shoulder-width apart or wider.
- Move one leg forward while maintaining a straight back.
- Flex your leg, and descend, ensuring that your leg is perpendicular to the floor.
- Leap forward with the other leg, and repeat the exercise.
4) High Knee
High Knee is a simple but effective exercise that requires no special equipment. It stimulates all the muscles in your legs and boosts your heart rate, enhancing your body's coordination and flexibility.
Here's how you do this exercise:
- Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart.
- Elevate your left knee towards your chest, and repeat with your right leg at a running pace.
- You should also try performing the exercise with your arms extended and knees touching your palms.
5) Mountain Climber
This is one of the best calorie-burner HIIT workouts that mimics the act of climbing a mountain while standing on the ground. This workout is well-known for its benefits, including enhancing cardiorespiratory endurance and agility. The Mountain Climber is also a full body exercise.
Here's how you do this exercise:
- Assume the plank posture with straight arms.
- Ensure that your hands are somewhat wider than the width of your shoulders.
- Raise the right knee into the chest without elevating the hips.
- Move it back, and bring the opposite knee forward.
- Repeat the steps.
6) Burpee
We have saved the best for last. Burpee is a two-part exercise that involves a push-up followed by a leap in the air. This exercise engages all the muscles in your body and is mainly targeted to build calves, chest, triceps, shoulders, biceps, glutes, and lats.
Burpees are incredibly easy to perform, as they require neither equipment nor weights. Here's how you do this exercise:
- Assume a semi-squatting position, and bend forward.
- Maintain a straight spine, and contact the ground with your chest.
- Push up, and frog jump to bring both legs together. Jump up with your hands in the air.
HIIT exercises have been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics. They also improve insulin resistance.
When performed regularly, these exercises can also help protect you from many diseases. Include one or more of these exercises in your daily regimen to lose weight.