6 Kettlebell Squats to Boost Strength & Athletic Performance

(Image via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
Kettlebell Squats (Image via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

Kettlebell squats are a dynamic workout routine that work on muscles across the upper and lower body.

Some common benefits provided by them include strengthened grip, improved posture, greater mobility, improved range of motion, increased core strength, and enhanced core stability.

Best Kettlebell Squats

Here, we have created a list of six amazing kettlebell squats to boost your strength and athletic performance:

1) Kettlebell Goblet Squat

This kettlebell squat engages the hamstrings, quadriceps, and butt. This exercise can also srengthen the lower body.


How to do the exercise?

  • Begin in a tall standing position with your feet apart slightly wider than hip distance and toes angled outwards.
  • Position the kettlebell over your chest while clutching it with both palms.
  • Bring your body into a squatting position before standing back up.
  • Repeat.

2) Kettlebell Sumo Squat

They're an effective kettlebell squat. They help build strength in the lower body by targeting the inner thighs and glutes.


How to do the exercise?

  • Begin in a tall standing position with your feet wider than shoulder distance and toes slightly turned outwards.
  • Clutch the handle of the kettlebell in both palms, and position it on your chest.
  • Keep your back upright, chest lifted, and core muscles engaged.
  • Assume the squat position by driving your hips to the back, bending your knees, and shifting your weight to the heels. Keep your spine lengthened.
  • Return to the standing position and repeat.

3) Kettlebell Split Squat

It's an effective kettlebell squat, as it works unilaterally on both sides. This exercise can also help build stronger legs.


How to do the exercise?

  • Clutch a kettlebell in both palms, and position it over your chest.
  • Bring your body in a tall standing position before stepping forward with your right foot and bending both knees.
  • Your rear knee should be hovering just above the ground while your front thigh should be about parallel to the ground.
  • Engage your glutes and core muscles. Push through your right foot to assume the starting position.
  • Swap sides, and repeat.

4) Thruster Squat

It's a full body exercise that places greater emphasis on the shoulders, hamstrings, quads, core, and glutes. This exercise can also help develop strength in the upper body.


How to do the exercise?

  • Begin in the front rack position of the kettlebell, with the weight on your shoulders.
  • Bring your body into a squatting position, keeping good posture.
  • Press onto your feet to assume the standing position, and drive the weight straight over your head with your arms extended. Repeat.

5) Front Rack Kettlebell Squat

It's an advanced variations of kettlebell squats that can help build power and stability.


How to do the exercise?

  • Clutch kettlebells in both palms, and position them either side of the shoulders and chest, with elbows pointing to the ground.
  • Push your hips backwards, and bring your butt to the ground by bending your knees. The positioning of the weight allows you to squat deeper.
  • Keep your core region engaged and back upright.
  • Assume the standing position by pressing onto your lower body. Repeat.

6) Kettlebell Squat

It's an effective kettlebell squat that can fire up the hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. This exercise is also beginner-friendly, allowing you to gradually progress into advanced variations. It can also take strain off the back.


How to do the exercise?

  • Start in an upright standing position with your feet hip distance apart.
  • Clutch the kettlebell in both palms, and position them along the sides of the body.
  • Squat down as usual with good posture and repeat.

Bottom Line

The kettlebell squats listed above are among the most dynamic exercises, providing you with an array of benefits.

They can strengthen the lower body, improve core strength and stability, enhance flexibility, and increase grip strength. Kettlebell squats also help build muscles, as they're easier for progressive overload.

These are foundational exercises that can help you with strength training. You can also use kettlebells through different movements and positions to up your fitness game.

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