6 Leg Exercises That Will Bulk Up Your Skinny Legs

To bulk up your legs, you need to engage in a variety of workouts and alter your lifestyle. (Image via Unsplash/ Sam Sabourin)
To bulk up your legs, you need to engage in a variety of workouts and alter your lifestyle. (Image via Unsplash/ Sam Sabourin)

Leg exercises are the answer if you are looking to bulk up and gain those hefty quads.

Strong, muscular legs not only help you do exercises like the squat and deadlift better, but they also balance the development of your upper body, giving you the "X" figure that most people desire.

It's likely that the rest of your body is slender if your legs are thin. While building up your legs will be harder for you than for someone with a naturally meaty body type, the appropriate training routine and diet will help you get there.

Exercise and diet are equally as crucial for weight gain as they are for weight loss.

Furthermore, you can aid in bulking up your legs by engaging in a variety of workouts and altering your lifestyle.

Best Leg Exercises to Bulk Up Skinny Legs Fast

It is advised to adhere to complex movements like squats, hinges (stiff leg deadlifts), and other exercises that allow for a high level of muscle activation and fatigue without limiting your capacity to recover when wanting to acquire significant leg size during a building process. Acquiring size during bulk usually depends on your training frequency.

Here’s a list of some of the best leg exercises that are sure to help in gaining muscle in your leg:

1) Barbell back squat

The best leg exercise to increase size and strength across the body is the barbell back squat. Additionally, it enables you to use extremely heavy weights, maximizing the tension in your muscle fibers and resulting in long-term muscle growth.



  • Place the bar high on the back of the shoulders and hold it at the sides.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Squat down by letting your knees bend forward while bending your hips back.
  • Keep your back straight and your knees pointing in the same direction as your feet.
  • Drop till thighs are barely past parallel to the ground.
  • Legs should be straight when knees and hips are extended.
  • Repeat for the appropriate number of times.

2) Calf raises

This easy leg exercise strengthens the calf muscles in your lower legs. Calf raises enhance the muscles that support everyday activities like walking and using the stairs in addition to helping you become a better runner.



  • Your feet should be pointing in front while you stand erect and flex your tummy muscles.
  • You can also stand on a slightly elevated ledge with the front part of your feet to add additional difficulty.
  • Try to stand on the tips of your toes by lifting them up with your front foot.
  • Spend a few seconds in that position.
  • Get back to where you were by moving slowly.

3) Leg presses

This leg exercise involves a leg press machine. It can help you target particular leg muscle groups that are otherwise challenging to exercise.



  • Your feet should be flat on the press when you sit on the machine. Some pieces of furniture are made so you can lie on your back or even sit slightly reclined.
  • With your entire foot, slowly and gently push the press away from you while maintaining a straight back and head. Don't merely stand on your toes or heels.
  • Without locking your knees, hold for a moment.
  • Pull the leg press down towards you gently.

4) Barbell Bulgarian split squat

The hamstrings can effectively work with this specific squat variation. It is among the best leg exercises.



  • Start by standing with your back on the exercise bench. Your upper back should be crossed by a barbell. One leg should be positioned behind you.
  • Next, kneel down with your standing leg until your trailing leg's knee almost touches the floor.
  • To get back to your starting position, lift up via your front foot.

5) Romanian deadlift

With this workout, you'll target your glutes and hamstring top end. Your agility and speed on the track can both be improved.



  • Place a barbell on the ground behind you and then take a position.
  • For a better grasp, budge your knees, keeping your hips and back straight.
  • Thrust your hips forward to elevate the bar after that without bending your back.
  • Pushing your hips back while standing can help you lower the bar.
  • Don't bend your knees more than necessary.

6) Good morning

You can perform this leg exercise to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings.



  • Start standing upright with your feet shoulder-width separated.
  • Dumbbells should be held in each hand and stacked such that they rest on your shoulder blades at the base of your neck.
  • Keep your knees gently bent, tighten your glutes, and hinge at the hips.
  • Keep your back straight the entire time. Your chest should be parallel to the ground when you stoop.
  • To reverse the movement, plant your feet firmly on the ground, engage your core, and stand tall while pushing your hips forward.
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